Neika Ave Surf Shack/Neika通りのサーフ小屋

Neika Ave Surf Shack is one of the coolest place I've been in Launceston.
The surf boards are everywhere; hanging from the ceiling, inserting between the red iron beams and the wooden beams, leaning on the wall, laying on the floor and sitting on the bench waiting for completion.
The soft day light falling on this tranquil half basement, the scent of timber in the air, and
the sudden chilly breeze from somewhere made my neck shrink. Sitting directly on the concrete floor might be not good idea, becouse the icy floor keep stealing heat from my bum. I grabbed one of the chairs and start second sketch of the shack.
Neika通りのサーフ小屋(Neika Ave Surf Shack)はタスマニア、ロンセストンにある素敵な場所のひとつ。

Every surfboards have different form, yet I think every shapes are beautiful. The form following the function remind me the beauty of the nature. It is amazing that these board are crafted by hands. Suddenly the scene of my university life in Japan popped up in my mind. At Nagoya City University, the first design assignment of the product design was to design the form looks 'fast'. The assignment named 'speed shape'.  I remember how much my classmates were struggling on and excited with this assignment at the same time, although I chose  architectural design course but not the product design.
The shadow of the surfboards shook suddenly. I somehow feels like swiming or floating in ocean and the marin mammals swarmed around me. 7years ago, the manly muscular dolphins came really close to me at the ocean near the chichi island in Japan. The dolphins looked at my eyes and it seems like inviting me to swim together in such a clear deep blue water. I breathed a big breath, as I only rely on snorkel but not oxygen cylinders. It might be good choice to swim without heavy oxygen cylinder, becouse my body can move much faster. Thanks my mum gave me the body can swim not too bad. Thanks my grandpa taught me how to swim in the wild water, although it was in the river not ocean. Thanks my dad for showing us how you love ocean. It was great  to swim with dolphins while I'm watching their cute eyes. The dolphins swam faster and faster, deeper and deeper. I tried to catch up with them and felt pressure on my ears. There were a moment of apprehension for every few seconds of pleasure.

My name was called by loud voice, and I came back to reality from daydreaming. It was Danny. He has been cleaning up the mess. There were so mach dust and water came into the house. The workers outside of this house, had splayed water like crazy to clean up the surface of building before they start to paint. Ironically, it made so much mess inside of the house. Danny has been cleaned up this mess and also washing dishes by himself during I enjoyed sketching and daydreaming. Such a good boy and I felt I'm bit bat girl. It is my bad habit that enjoying the imagination world created from surrounding landscape and my old memories during sketching. When I grab the tea towel to dry up the dishes, he said I don't need to do that. He said that he just thought I was dissapeared without telling him anything.
Wiped the mug cups, looked back and watched the shadow of the surfboards. Shadow was swinging because of the workers shadow is moving around or water flowing on the surface of the glass.

After I finished my breakfast; the toasts with the crashed avocado and coffee, we went to Cataract Gorge for morning walk. The air was really nice. Both of Danny and Tom are tall and have much longer legs than me. I have a feeling that they walked slower than their usual speed, but I couldn't fill the gap between us when we climbed up the stairs. I had to walk step by step beside two boys skipped steps of the the stairs. My breath become too fast to talk. I wonder how these boys can keep chatting while they are walking. Although I coudn't speak, I still be able to enjoy the landscape. It was fun. There was a small wallaby or pademelon carrying their baby in their pocket. Trajectory of the big black bird's flight was liner and parallel with us. Wonder insect on the ground walked pass in front of me. I thought it was an big blue ant, and remember someone told me that blue ants in Tasmania have poison strong enough to kill people. I'm not sure whether the stor of the blue ant was true or not, but  I felt little bit scary. However, I found it was not an ant but two insects. It's very strange. These spiderman color's shiny insects walking together but their position is like mirroring. One of them have to walk to back. It's very strange. I stared the insects to remember their shape becouse I wanted to draw later on my journal.  Look! It was something like that. What is this insects' name? Does anyone know it?


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  3. I can't remember the name of the beetles, but I think they're mating.

  4. come on! remember the name for me Doug! hey hey, Do you think does it have a poison?

  5. Christmas beetle? Soldier beetle? Ladybird/ladybug?

    It is actually quite difficult because there are a lot of different creatures that have those common names.

  6. I don't think they would bite you, but I wouldn't eat it.

    Also I don't think there are ants in Australia that can kill you, unless you are allergic. Jack jumper bites hurt a lot though.


  7. hahaha.. I won't eat it too!
    It's good to hear that there may no ants can kill me in Australia!
    Sometimes my friends teasing me, but I often don't recognise whether it is joke or real story.

  8. Jack Jumper... sounds scary... by the way, I remember I saw black ants have orange legs, and it was 10-12 mm long. it might be Jack Jumper!!!
