Sketches of the Sunday./ある日曜日のスケッチ

Sunday, 25th September. I had just run out my sketchbook - it's nice moleskine-  day before Sunday, so I opened new one. Last sketch book has been filled my memories with sketches within 12 days; from 12th to 24th September. I can not upload some of my drawings and journals from last sketch book, because the two weeks was too dramatic to show on public.  I wish this new sketch book would be filled by happy and sweet stories. 

I woke up on the carpet in the living room because I felt so cold. I found my mobile phone and it shows 3:30am.  It seems I felt in sleep during reading book last night. There are two books around me, English book and Japanese book. "Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-being" written by Esther M. Sternberg, M.D.I, this is for my uni project, and "Sputnik Sweetheart" written by Haruki Murakami, it's for fun. These days, I always read some books at the same time. Although I feel my reading English has been improved from 2 years ago,  the speed of reading English book is extremely slower than reading Japanese books. My curiosity couldn't satisfy when I read only English book as the information/story I could get from book is much fewer than Japanese book. Therefore, I always need extra Japanese book during reading English book. To tell the truth I had already finished other book, Junichiro Tanizaki's"Tattoo and Secret" 2 days ago during leading "Healing space". I'm wondering how many Japanese books I need to read per one English book. 
I had sneezed. It was crazy cold.  I thought spring has already come.  I stood up, went to my room and jumped into my bed. 

9:00am. I woke up again. Beautiful sunshine come into my room through thin curtain. My room was filled warm cream yellow lights. Such a beautiful day!  It seems best day for laundry. I throwed Pillow cover, bed cover and everything  into laundry machine. 
I noticed I was quite hungry. Come to think about it, I didn't eat anything last night, Saturday night. It sounds not like me. It's not usual to forgot meal, due to I always feel hungry at proper time, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I could eat something healthy food because there were a plenty of vegetables, fruits, bacon, chicken and fish in the fridge, but I didn't. I might not feel like cooking for only myself last night.  If my mother know about I skipped dinner, she would be mad on me, because she always worry about my nutrition in oversea life. Even more worse, my dinner on Friday was only chocolate mint slice and pumpkin soup. How unhealthy I was! I opened the fridge and cooked. Simple mixed salad come with balsamic and olive oil. Stir fried vegetable; broccoli, spinach, onion, mushroom and bacon with peanuts souse, served with bread -sourdough. Two spoons of custard pudding with strawberries and apple.

After the big brunch, I went out for walk with my sketch book. There is a beautiful place called Cataract Gorge within 10 minutes walk from my house. Gorge is one of my favourite place in Launceston, and it is one reason I has been living current house. Sound of the river, various colour of green and cool rocks. People enjoyed climbing the rock cliff beside the walk paths, and all kids walking through were excited to see climbers. I can also see the people climbing the huge rock across the river. That recall my memory that I had enjoyed climbing here last year. 

1pm, I had a cup of coffee at the STILL WATER which standing near Gorge bridge. The boats on the water seems enjoying naps under the afternoon sunshine. The little girl wearing pink cardigan, skirts and shoes looked at me and smiled. I love this peaceful afternoon atmosphere. The upstairs of the cafe is galley called THE MILL. It often shows residents artists' works. This weeks exhibition is Clifford How's pastel pictures of Tasmanian landscapes.

Having exhibition at this gallery may give huge pressure on artist. The art works have to compete with real natural scenery displayed in window frame. Shining tamer river with colourful boats or swinging gum trees. When I observed, I always find both people who stopped in front of picture, and in front of window. And I found other case. Two little boys sitting and whispered to each other. Their eye level is too low to see both of pictures and views from window. I wonder what are they watching at.

Cataract Gorge - Coffee - Gallery is my golden style of holiday.
Laura, my house mate from Chile and I often enjoyed to go out for walk and having coffee together on weekend. Our house located perfect place to enjoy Launceston weekend.
カタラクト渓谷 珈琲 ギャラリーは私の休日の黄金スタイルだ。

Climbing up the stairs beside Gorge and heading to my home. Tiny white lily of the valley bloom. Its fragrance was so elegant. The full blooms blue bellflowers made beautiful pattern like milky way.

During walking,  I was thinking about my uni project. I may should start to draw plans and section as soon as I would arrive at home. At the same time I was thinking what should I cook for dinner. I don't have confidence to use all of foods before it's getting worse. or Can I plant some of vegetable at garden?



7sketches/ Sunday, 25th September


"Done cook da!?" - AFL prelim final オーストラリアン・フットボールのファナルシリーズ

 Warm quiet night. No wind. Surface of the North Esk river become like mirror and it showed the delicate gradation of the sky from lemon lime yellow to indigo blue. Here, Launceston in Tasmania did look tranquil, but in fact, inside of the house was vibrant. I guess many people must be excited last night because of  AFL final series. AFL; Australian Foot bool  League seems one of the most popular sports in Australia - I'm not sure which is more popular, AFL or cricket-.  23rd September, I watched Collingwood vs Hawks, although I don't know the rules.
風のなく穏やかな暖かい夜。サウスエスク川の鏡のようなみなもには、レモンライムからインディゴブルーの繊細な空のグラデーションが映しだされている。ここタスマニアのロンセストンという町は静寂に包まれているかのようにみえるが、実際、個々の家を覘いてみると、にぎやかで盛り上がっていたりする。昨夜のAFL(オーストラリアン フットボール リーグ)のファナルシリーズの試合で盛り上がった人はたくさんいるに違いない。AFLはオーストラリアで人気のあるスポーツのひとつ(AFLとクリケットと、どちらのほうが人気があるんだろう?)9月23日、Collingwood 対 Hawksの試合をルールも分からないままに観戦した。

Watching AFL prelim final Collingwood vs Hawks, Learning rules and footy language like "Done cook da!" I'm looking forward the opportunity to use new word "He is done cook da." I heard I can use it when someone got really drunk.
Anyway, I now think I should know about more rules before the grand final match; two weeks later. Then I can enjoy more. However, it seems too much rules to remember.
hmmmm..... I may just need to find cool player I want to support. Maybe.
Collingwood 対 Hawks戦をみながら、ルールについて教わって、それからフッティー言葉も教えてもらった。 "Done cook da!"新しいこの言葉を使う機会が早くこないかしら。だれかがものすごく酔っぱらったときとかに使えるらしい。

and today's news paper, The examiner and SaturdayAGE sports.


story of the bluestone rock cliff and duck-rabbit. / あひるうさぎと碧い岩壁のはなし

Discovering the rock cliff at salamanca courtyard
It was a dramatic and romantic meeting. I will always remember the moment the rough surface of the bluestone cliff suddenly appeared in front of me at the end of the dark and narrow corridor. The primitive rock surface covered with weeds and flowers absolutely fascinated me. The important point was that I was not walking through a wilderness forest, but lively Salamanca where small shops overcrowd each other. I was between heritage buildings, so it was not expected that I feel the sense of wilderness. In addition, the tiny courtyard was full of people and vibrant with life. The rock wall acted as the perfect backdrop for the band, and people were enjoying the music under the plants living within the cracks of the rock. I was overwhelmed with the beauty and liveliness of the space. This was one of the most impressive experiences of my first week of staying in Hobart, Tasmania.

Hobart and me
Hobart is a new city to me, as I have been living in Launceston since I came from Japan two and a half years ago. When I decided to come and stay in Hobart to partake in the research project during the summer break, I only knew that Hobart was the biggest city in Tasmania, that the popular Salamanca Market was held every Saturday and that the waterfront is a beautiful place to walk. My research partner, Raja, comes from Malaysia, so is also an out-of- towner. Neither of us knew anything about Hobart, and we often got lost in the Hobart CBD. Our Hobart urban life was full of surprise, wonder and excitement.

Hidden Rivulet forming the urban landscape
The first day of the research project at the OSA -Office of the State Architect -was unforgettable. Alysia who works at the oOSA took Raja and I for a walk around the Hobart CBD. Her walking path was very dynamic, free from the tidy city grid, unlike our own. The organic shapes of arcades and laneways from Centrepoint to the Cat and Fiddle Arcade to Wellington Walk promote different walking paths from the edge of the city block in the tidy city grid. It seemed like great architectural planning – however, it was actually formed by the path of the Hobart Rivulet.

It is the Quarry – but not wild nature
One day, when I was talking about the rock cliff face with excitement, Peter, the state architect told me that the rock cliff was actually not natural, but was man made. He said that it was in fact a Quarry. At first I couldn’t believe nor did I understand that the rock was man made because it felt wild and natural – I was shocked.

Duck-rabbit illusion
After Peter told me that the rock cliff at Salamanca was the Quarry, not only did my understanding and image of Hobart city change, but also the concept of the city and landscape became something new. It is similar feeling to Kuhn’s duck-rabbit opitical illusion. He uses it to demonstrate the way in which a paradigm shift could cause one to see the same information in an entirely different way. Such a paradigm shift occurred within my mind.

Man dominates nature or nature dominates city?
This is the moment something in my mind started to change. I questioned my- self: Why I was so impressed by the rock cliff? Why did I feel as if the rivulet was romantic? I started to wonder about the concept of wild nature and man made environment. I was not sure who actually dominated the form of the city and landscape - man or nature? I feel that Hobart city has the potential to have strong characteristics of connections with nature, but what does “nature” mean?

This essay is the introduction of "SPECULATE"
which is corroborative ADR(Advanced Design Research) report 
with OSA;Office of State Architect. 





アヒル - ウサギの錯覚
ピーターが、あのサラマンカの青い岩壁は自然の景色なのではなく実際は石切り場なのだと言ったあと、私のホバートについてのイメージが変わっただけでなく、都市や風景の概念までなにか新しく見えだした。それは、まるでトーマス・クーンのアヒル - ウサギをみたときのような感覚。クーンは一つの同じ情報をみていてもまったく違う見方をすることができるということをアヒル - ウサギをつかってしめし、パラダイムシフトについて説明をした。パラダイムシフトとは、当然のことと考えられていた認識や思想、見方、常識、価値観などが革命的に劇的に変化することを言う。そう、そのパラダイムシフトが私の中でおこりはじめていたのだ。



GOING SOLO? ソロで(一人で)働く?

Polly McGee's speech "ARCHITECTS AS STARTUPS" inspired me.
Her energetic and powerful presentation about setting up in solo practice helped me to imagine my future clearer. I was motivated to start preparing to achive my future vision.

Polly; independent writer, editor, educationist and blogger, came to university of Tasmania for the FutureGrad Workshop on 16th September. The workshop was about alternative possible future career paths for architecture students. Big practice, small practice, or going to solo. Running own company or working as a solo. Working locally, nationally, or internationally. Polly gave us the idea of solo practice through the topics "Why would you do it?""What are the key risks to consider?" and "What are the mitigations?"

Although she showed so much risks to consider,  her story of going to solo was very attractive to me. I know I love to engaged people directly and closely.  In addition, I have specific area/field I has been interested in and I believe it have/ will have needs. Polly said that solo practice is one of the best ways to communicate to our generation, new needs and aesthetics. It also could create a niche firm and build a brand.
Business, cash flow or insurance could cause head ache on me. So, I tried to imagine my future case every time when she explain about methods of mitigations; "Work out what your strengths are, and look for partners with complimentary skills.""Partnerships are a great option for spreading the risk. Choose partners for your firm that create a supply chain, or work with others in related fields.""Understand you market: if you go niche, what are the needs of your clients, both in a design and relationship sense.""How will you communicate with them, what is your point of difference." etc.....

After all, I has been keen into going to solo from few years ago.
I would like to write down my future vision.  I think I'm going to be a solo designer and writer. The field I would work could be whole over the world. My design hopefully achieve sustainable architecture which could heal the environment and people. I also would like to tell stories about the design and people around the world by drawings and essays written in both of Japanese and English.  Do you think is it too dreamy?  I somehow think it is not impossible. Imagine how I will work 15-20 years later,.. it makes me so happy.

 I also have the idea of close future. I would like to work at architecture firm in Australia or Japan. I think working in Australia is better at this stage, for knowing australian architecture, having stronger connection with English speaker people and for improve my English especially writing. Beside architectural work I'm going to write down hips of essays and draw everyday. Hopefully I will be able to start my career as independent writer and illustrator about architecture within 5 years, it means before I will have baby. This is because I want to have both of my happy private life and my career.

I want to have my family and raise my future children like how my mother did for me. My mother was always with me in my childhood memories, and she was keen into children's education. To me, she is like a mother in "La Grenadière" -Pomegranate House written by Honoré de Balzac. That is my ideal mother I want to be. I guess solo practice arrow me to be with my future children during I'm working. I might be able to write down a essay when my future little kids taking nap. well... I don't know whether it really work as I have never have my children yet.

There are so many alternate career paths, but I believe there is no right answer. Nothing right and nothing wrong. I just need to do my best to grab chance/opportunity which might drive me better paths.

I would like to introduce some other Polly's advise.

"Use social media tools and work the free marketing and viral opportunities they present."
"Become an expert through blogging and tweeting, be an upstart startup."

"Get mentors, find the people in your industry that are living the dream and ask for their help."
"Look for market opportunities and follow your gut."
"Be in the right place, at the right time, and take a well calculated risk."

What I can do first is....I guess keep uploading this  blog :)
and be ready to grab opportunity. 

"ARCHITECTS AS STARTUPS; 起業家としての建築家" というポリーさんの講演は胸に響くものがあった。SOLO、一人でビジネスを始める、または運営することについてのポリーさんのエネルギッシュでパワフルなプレゼンテーションのおかげで、私は自分の将来の姿をよりはっきりと想像するようになった。おかげで私は、遠い将来のビジョンを思い描きながら、そのために今できることから今すぐに準備を始めなくては、と思うようになった。





私は家族を持ちたいし、私の母が私たちを育てたように子どもをそだてたい。自分が小さな頃を振り返ってみると、そこにはいつも母がいた。教育に熱心な母のおかげで私は、幼い頃から古典や漢詩の世界に触れさせてもらえたし、美術館にも頻繁に足をはこんだし、絵や文章を書くのがとてもすきになった。私にとっての母はバルザックの"Grenadière" - ざくろ屋敷の母に通じるものがある。私がなりたい理想の母親像だと思う。反発ももちろんしたけれども。もし私がSOLOで仕事をまわせるようになったら、自分のこどもと一緒にいながら、仕事をすることができるかもしれない。みらいの自分のこどもがお昼寝してる間に一本エッセイを書き上げる、とか。そんなにうまくいくものか、といわれても私には答えようもないが。まぁなにしろ、未だかつていつども自分のこどもをもって、育てたことがないんだからしょうがない。








My life with architecture students at University of Tasmania. タスマニア大学にて建築学生たちとすごす日々

We had interim presentation to guest examiner; Justine Clark as well as our tutelar; Shamus on 15th September. I was little bit nervous to present my project to Justine who is an independent architectural writer, editor and curator, as I have never seen her. yet, it wasn't so bad. Moreover, I enjoyed it.  She gave me technical advise on my drawing and I think it is very useful.
Since I have been working with same tutor and students during this semester, I feel so comfortable to be here. Our tutorial member, Emma, Richard and Alison like hand drawings so do I.
9月15日いつもの先生シェイマスに加え、ジャスティン クラークさんというゲストを迎えてのプレゼンテーション。初めてお会いする建築専門の執筆者でにして、編集者であり、キュレーター(展覧会やイベントなどを企画する人)であるジャスティンに、自分のプロジェクトを説明することにちょっとおじ気づいていた。でも実際そんなに悪くなかった、というよりむしろ、楽しかった。ジャスティンは私のドローイング(スケッチ、絵)に対しての役にたつ(すぐにつかえる)技術的な助言をいくつかしてくれた。

Ed used whole his body to do his presentation as usual. Standing up, sitting down, jumping up, walking around and moving his hand. I quite like to see people speak with body language especially when their speech is English.

The day of presentation is one of my favourite moment at university.
It is really peaceful and happy time to be at uni and seeing classmates' presentation.
How they actually present their thought and project.
I love to draw when people do their presentation, everyone have own way! So interesting!
If I could finish my presentation early morning, it would be better though.



I can not believe we are going to graduate December, 3 month later!