Map of Japan and Australia./日本とオーストラリアの地図

I have been living in Tasmania, an island and state in Australia since February 2009.

Area total 7,617,930 km2 
Popilation 22,589,458 (2011) 
Density 2.833/km2

I'm Japanese from Japan. 
I had born, grown up and lived in Japan before I came to Tasmania. 
My family lives in Japan. 
This is definetly my home country. 

Area total 377,944 km2 
Popilation 127,960,000 (2011) 
Density 337.1/km2 

I now have opportunity to choose which country I want to live, Japan or Australia.


To tell the truth, I wrote this blog today because 
I wanted to upload my illustrations of maps. 
I do like this warm color and just wanted to show it to you.


Documenting the process. / プロセスを記録する。

Documentation of the process of myself's thought is quite interesting things to do.  I could say documentation is one of my hobby, although it may sounds weird. Most of the efforts on both on research work and design work doesn't show up in final achievement. Yet, there are always many surprises, dramas, mistakes, and thought provoking episodes.  I love to look through all process I have taken, after I had compleated my works. Re considering my process from the critical point of view would help to figure out my thinking patterns and mistake patterns. It is like watching myself as a third person. Great fun. I believe that organizing the information of the process and documenting would be really helpful for my futher projects include research, design, and even writing essay. 

For instance, The images above shows the research process over view is from my dossier of ADR research last semester. This over view comming first in the dossier, and the detail informations of process follows this chart. I picked up some key issues that has dramatically changed my mind and research methods and arranged by time flow. Methodologies, critical discoveries and proposition for this research are line up with different colors and be connected by arrows. 

Looking into the detail might help you to understand what I mean.

The critical discoveries and subsequent propositions
Raja, my research partner come from Malaysia and I were working as a pair at the begining. We walked around the Hobart CBD together. Collecting informations about hthis city as much as possible and analysing together. Through this pair work I just simply surprised that Raja and I have different interpretations although we walked together and looked at same scenery in the city. This is my critical discoveries. Becouse of this discovery, I started to worry about the methods we take to analyses was too subjective. Should the research be more objective? This is my question about our methodology and proposition to our own research. I picked up a part of my notes and documented together. Please have a look my note of this stage.

 from the note..
"Working with Raja is quite interesting. We have different points of view and skills. Raja took photos and I did sketches. Both of us walk same area....
When we came back at office, we discussed about a laneway between Elizabeth mall and Wellington court. Raja said "the lane way was so dark!" On the other hand, in my memory, the laneway was pretty bright becouse of sunlight through glass top. I said " no no no... It was bright." I was pretty sure it was not dark, but Raja was also sure it was dark. Then we looked through the photos to find out the truth.
The truth is.... both of us are right! The lane way looks dark when we are standing at Elizabeth mall. However, the laneway looks bright from the Wellington court. It was interesting discovery!!"
オフィスに戻ってきて、エリザベスモールとウェリントンコートの間の小さな抜け道(裏道というかなんというか)について二人で話しているときだった。ラジャは「あの道ってほんと暗いよね」って言うんだ。だけど、一方で、私の記憶によれば、あの裏道はガラス屋根で覆われていて、太陽の光が透過してふりそそぎ、ずいぶん明るかった。「違う 違う。明るかったよ」私はあの道が確かに暗くなんてなかったと自信をもっていたけど、ラジャはラジャで自信をもってあの道は暗かった、と言う。どちらが正しいのか決着をつけようじゃない、と二人で写真を見直すことにした。

We thought our feelings, interpretation or analysis is not truthful enough as a research. As we thought the research might need to be more objective, we decide to analyse site using by Gehl's 12 Key quality criteria.

Again, we faced another critisism. One architect critics our research methods when we present. He said "Using Gehl's study might be too formalized/objective. City experience may be more personal." 
After we heard the comment, we re-considered about quality criteria. Raja and I think our own key quality criteria of comfortable spaces. Our criteria is so different. 

Many critical discoveries and propositions changed our research projects a lot. At the end, I submitted my own individual report which doesn't mention about "different interpretations about the laneway" neither "Gehl's 12 key quality criteria." These are all just process. I found these process which never come up in final research report are interesting enough to document for myself.

Finally, I want to add other point of documentation.

I'm now keen into documentation about both in my works and private life. It is fun but it is not only for hobby.
To tell the truth,  one of the main reason is to protect myself. This feeling grow dramatically through these three years oversea life with many troubles. I now understand I have disadvantage to discuss issues with native English speakers, as people often think there must be my mistake/misunderstanding of language. Although I was right, the truth has sometimes changed by native speakers. Whatever I have complain, it often was hard to prove I'm not wrong. Studying about law little bit also motivate me to document; who said what? when does it happened? what is my response? These records would help for the worst case, at court. It is sad to say that some people I met in Tasmania looked down  people whose first language is not English, but I need to face reality. Although, I always met  generous people who are happy to help, I strongly believe I have to be strong enough to protect myself as long as I lives in oversea by myself. My arm is not strong like Australian football player, but documentation could be quite strong protection. Therefore, I recommend you to have this hobby, documentation. Documentation is often fun and very helpful.


Can self help books actually, well, help? / 自己啓発本って、どうなの、実際?役に立つの?

What happens when a self-confessed cynic takes advise from a self help books? 
Is she able to be happier when she not only read self-help book but lives by it?
Happier existing? A healthy body? Better relationship?
Who could be?


I was just relax and enjoy reading magazine at the cafe.
By the way, please don't think I am very lazy and too relaxed person. I have excuse to often be at cafe, it is for studying English. Ok?
well.... The article is about challenge to live one week by sevral self-help books. Isn't it interesting?
Monday mission: Acts of kindness
Tuesday mission: Strengthening the mind body connection
Wednesday mission: Finding calm
Thursday mission: Cultivating confidence
Friday mission: Sharing the love
Saturday mission: Finding myself
"You deserve to feast on the uplifting and luxurious qualities of natural beauty - all day and every day.""I should treat my self to some flower." - advise from "Self Esteem Bible: 365 tips from the UK's number one confidence expert."
"If you are smiling, the brain thinks you are happy and the hypothalamus will respond accodingly, releasing endorphins. At some point you will suddenly feel the way you look; relax and happy."  - advise from "21Days to a New You." etc....
I does sounds like what self-help book would says, although I have never read these the self-help books that the auther use. I had only read the book written by Japanese auther and published in Japan. It seems like the self-help books written in both English and Japanese have sharing their common sense. I found it's interesting and little bit funny.

あ、ところで、私のことをのんびりしすぎな怠け者だと思ってもらっちゃこまるから、しょっちゅうカフェにいる言い訳をしておくと、これも英語の勉強のいっかんなんです。 OK?
「あなたはそのままで、ラグジュアリーに扱われるだけの価値のある女なの。一日中、毎日よ」「花のように自分自身をあつかうのよ」セルフエステームバイブル:イギリスのナンバーワン自己自信専門家の365の秘訣 からのアドバイス。
「もしあなたが笑顔をつくっていたら脳はあなたが幸せだって判断するの。視床下部が、エンドルフィンを放出して(…専門用語の英語ちょっと私にはよくわからないです)なんちゃらで。だからまずは笑顔をつくること。ある時点て突然あなたは、リラックス感と幸福感を感じるの、あなたが外からそう見えるようにあなた自身が感じるの。」新しいあなたになるための21日間 からのアドバイス。などなど

I suddenly felt someone's gaze and looked up. There was a little boy looking at me. His eyes shining and smile.  Somehow, he looks just so happy. He walked  and then fell down on the floor.  He seems just started walking these days. And he laughed out. He must be extremely happy.He was just so cute. I smiled naturally. The guy sitting next to me also looking atthis boy with smiling.

Here we go.
There was a boy who don't need self-help book.
He is naturally happy and can make someone's day a little more pleasant.



the notion of “nature” in the field of architecture. / 建築のフィールドにおける「自然」の概念

How does exploring the notion of “nature” based on comparing western philosophy and eastern philosophy could positively affect the architectural design?

I have been thinking and exploring the answer of this question. The brief of my thought is....

There are two completly opposite architectual theories and examples; erosion of boundary between nature and architecture or creation of boundary. The concept of Nature- Culture dualism is western philosophy based on Plato’s body-soul dualism (Kito, 2009), on the other hand, the people-nature continuance is based on asian body mind oneness theory. 

2008 Biennale di Venezia, Japan pavilion. Jyunya Ishigami 
(image source : Ishigami, J 2008, small images)
Nature-architecture continuom. Seamless gradation. Ambiguous, indefinite spaces. In short, plants are not outside or “other” to his architecture. Ishigami’s Venice Biennale project sets forth a new relationship in with both elements embrace on equal project..... Ishigami’s aspirations might be to architecture in the image of natural phenomena. This time around, he addresses plants and buildings,inducing a radical shift in architectural thinking, shaking the very conceptual foundations so as to lead us into a world such as we’ve never experienced. (Igarashi, 2008)

Kandalama Hotel. Geoffrey Bawa
(image source : Owen, C 2008, ‘Architecture between the culture-nature dualism)
Kandalama Hotel seems create beautiful contrast between nature and architecture. Owen says, the architectural narrative should not entirely erase the underlying tensions between the culture/nature dualism. Boundaries may facilitate encounters with difference, permeability, and unpredictability. (Owen, 2008)

Although, Taro Igarashi and Ceridwen Owen have opposing ideas, both of them suggest the poosibility to create new inspiring space from nature-architecture discussions. Therefore, I believe, further exploring philosophical green architecture is meaningful to my future project. 

..... More than anything, it is so much fun to think about it!

Salamanca court yard
I think I should re-considering about salamanca court yard in Hobart, Tasmania.
I was inspired from this Salamanca court yard a lot - please have alooo about my essay "story of the bluestone rock cliff and duck-rabbit." http://mako-seekingthetruth.blogspot.com/2011/09/story-of-bluestone-rock-cliff-and-duck.html.
Rough rock cliffs in the city provide surprise and inspiration. The strong contrast between the man made walls of the buildings and the rock cliff is significant, although, this cliff is in fact not natural but manmade. How can I positioning this space in terms of nature-culture discussion?
タスマニアのホバートにあるサラマンカの中庭について再考しなければいけないなと思う。この場所がどれほど私に驚きと興奮を与えてくれたかは、私のほかの記事、「あひるうさぎと碧い石壁の話」を読んでもらいたい。http://mako-seekingthetruth.blogspot.com/2011/09/story-of-bluestone-rock-cliff-and-duck.html 人のつくった建築物の壁と、この荒々しい岩肌はの間には強いコントラストが存在する、だがしかし、実際はこの岩肌は野生の自然ではなく人工なのである。自然ー文化の議論において、このサラマンカ広場はどこに位置づけされるのだろうか?

Igarashi,T 2008, Plants vs architecture, INAX, Kyoto.
Ishigami, J 2008, small images, INAX, Tokyo.
Kito, S 2009, ‘Contemporary Environmental Ethics’, in Kito, S (ed.), Environmental Ethics, Tokyo University, Tokyo, pp1-22.
Owen, C 2008, ‘Architecture between the culture-nature dualism: a case study of Geoffrey Bawa’s kandalama hotel’, Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research, vol.2, Issue 1, pp.40-56.


Neika Ave Surf Shack/Neika通りのサーフ小屋

Neika Ave Surf Shack is one of the coolest place I've been in Launceston.
The surf boards are everywhere; hanging from the ceiling, inserting between the red iron beams and the wooden beams, leaning on the wall, laying on the floor and sitting on the bench waiting for completion.
The soft day light falling on this tranquil half basement, the scent of timber in the air, and
the sudden chilly breeze from somewhere made my neck shrink. Sitting directly on the concrete floor might be not good idea, becouse the icy floor keep stealing heat from my bum. I grabbed one of the chairs and start second sketch of the shack.
Neika通りのサーフ小屋(Neika Ave Surf Shack)はタスマニア、ロンセストンにある素敵な場所のひとつ。

Every surfboards have different form, yet I think every shapes are beautiful. The form following the function remind me the beauty of the nature. It is amazing that these board are crafted by hands. Suddenly the scene of my university life in Japan popped up in my mind. At Nagoya City University, the first design assignment of the product design was to design the form looks 'fast'. The assignment named 'speed shape'.  I remember how much my classmates were struggling on and excited with this assignment at the same time, although I chose  architectural design course but not the product design.
The shadow of the surfboards shook suddenly. I somehow feels like swiming or floating in ocean and the marin mammals swarmed around me. 7years ago, the manly muscular dolphins came really close to me at the ocean near the chichi island in Japan. The dolphins looked at my eyes and it seems like inviting me to swim together in such a clear deep blue water. I breathed a big breath, as I only rely on snorkel but not oxygen cylinders. It might be good choice to swim without heavy oxygen cylinder, becouse my body can move much faster. Thanks my mum gave me the body can swim not too bad. Thanks my grandpa taught me how to swim in the wild water, although it was in the river not ocean. Thanks my dad for showing us how you love ocean. It was great  to swim with dolphins while I'm watching their cute eyes. The dolphins swam faster and faster, deeper and deeper. I tried to catch up with them and felt pressure on my ears. There were a moment of apprehension for every few seconds of pleasure.

My name was called by loud voice, and I came back to reality from daydreaming. It was Danny. He has been cleaning up the mess. There were so mach dust and water came into the house. The workers outside of this house, had splayed water like crazy to clean up the surface of building before they start to paint. Ironically, it made so much mess inside of the house. Danny has been cleaned up this mess and also washing dishes by himself during I enjoyed sketching and daydreaming. Such a good boy and I felt I'm bit bat girl. It is my bad habit that enjoying the imagination world created from surrounding landscape and my old memories during sketching. When I grab the tea towel to dry up the dishes, he said I don't need to do that. He said that he just thought I was dissapeared without telling him anything.
Wiped the mug cups, looked back and watched the shadow of the surfboards. Shadow was swinging because of the workers shadow is moving around or water flowing on the surface of the glass.

After I finished my breakfast; the toasts with the crashed avocado and coffee, we went to Cataract Gorge for morning walk. The air was really nice. Both of Danny and Tom are tall and have much longer legs than me. I have a feeling that they walked slower than their usual speed, but I couldn't fill the gap between us when we climbed up the stairs. I had to walk step by step beside two boys skipped steps of the the stairs. My breath become too fast to talk. I wonder how these boys can keep chatting while they are walking. Although I coudn't speak, I still be able to enjoy the landscape. It was fun. There was a small wallaby or pademelon carrying their baby in their pocket. Trajectory of the big black bird's flight was liner and parallel with us. Wonder insect on the ground walked pass in front of me. I thought it was an big blue ant, and remember someone told me that blue ants in Tasmania have poison strong enough to kill people. I'm not sure whether the stor of the blue ant was true or not, but  I felt little bit scary. However, I found it was not an ant but two insects. It's very strange. These spiderman color's shiny insects walking together but their position is like mirroring. One of them have to walk to back. It's very strange. I stared the insects to remember their shape becouse I wanted to draw later on my journal.  Look! It was something like that. What is this insects' name? Does anyone know it?

Girl friends / 女友達

from my journals + sketchbook on 12th September 
"I love this house!! However, I might move out soon. There is nothing my fault. I don't want to be a silly girl and  don't want to be treated as silly girl. So, be strong and trust my decision :) ...well I just think I'm going to miss this house. Little, lovely and warm atmosphere."
「私はこの家が大好き!でも、もしかしたら、私はこの家から出て行かなくっちゃならないかもしれない。私に落ち度は何もない。silly girl になりたくないし、そう扱われたくもない。(つまり、なめられてたまるか!っていうきぶん。)だから、自分の決断を信じて、強く、毅然としていよう。ただ…ちょっとだけ、私はこの家のことを思い出して、ちょっとせつない気持ちになるんだろうな…。この小さな、かわいらしい、あったかい雰囲気を。」

When I wrote down this journal, I was little bit upset and sad although I tried to be strong. One lady whom I believe my friend, seems making trick on me to get advantage from me. She might thought I was silly or weak enough to insert it in her trap, as she once said to me that " you don't have confidence, do you?"
She made mistake. Huge mistake.
I have confidence and I'm proud of myself, but I'm not good at to show off it. This is becouse I have grown up in Japan where being modest is more important to be accepted by society/community. Showing off own confidence often gives negative images to people in Japan. I've already met several people who made misunderstanding about me since I came to Tasmania. Some of these people believe I'm less confidence and weak, and then they become really rude. I coudn't stand that situation. No one can treated me without respect. I'm thinking I should change my attitude when I'm far from Japan. Yet, I know it is against to our community's style which I love so much and it made me sad.

I would reference my journal written on day after the trouble.

" 'Hey Mako. How are you?... I just though about you. Hope you are good. Take good care......'
Last night, I got message from Huma; my first really close friend in Tasmania. I was surprised her message becouse the message just came when I was very upset, sad and little angly. How does Huma know that I'm now in trouble? Amazing girl!!
'Don't worry Mako, everything will be fine. Life is full of adventure...lot of troubles, hurdles, sadness, happiness, love, friends, enemies... n so much more....but you will always find your good friends around you. just relax and think about good things in your life.' She made me cry. How lovely she is! Although she now lives far from me, she still be very close nice friend. I'm very lucky to meet such a nice friend at the begining of my first oversea life!
Today again, since morning, I wasn't happy becouse of .... same trouble again. very sad. I need to talk with another friend who I can trust; Dorothy.
Dorothy is from China and Huma is from Pakistan. I now know that nationality or language  doesn't really matter to be friend!"


'Why not to learn from natural landscape? 'by Peter Stutchbury/ 自然の風景から学ぶ By.ピーター

I would like to note the talk which inspired me.

We, architecture students often have guests who gives talk to us at  school of architecture and design, university of Tasmania. For example we had three guest talk in one week in September. Brian Carter, Mark Simpson and  Peter Stutchbury.


タスマニア大学の建築デザイン学科では、よくゲスト講師を招いて講演会をひらいてます。たとえば、9月のある週のゲストはBrian Carter, Mark Simpson and  Peter Stutchburyの3人です。

Those guest talks were very interesting in different ways. Especially Peter's fascinated to me. 
First of all, I'm impressed to his respect to nature and trust to humans' nature as one of the creatures. According to him, we as one of the animals, supposed to know what is safe and comfortable space. For instance, we have a ability to choose good site for camping at out door. There might be possibility to develop this our sense and adapt to architectural design. It's exciting.

He also recommended to learn from natural landscape. He showed the photos of 4 different types of forest. Although the tree is same species, it forms different landscape depend on the location. Land condition, soil, water, wind and sun could drive the form of the forest. Then why not to learn from these natural landscape? When architecture learned from the surrounding natural environment, the building could be very efficient in terms of energy use. I thought, "wow! it does make sense!"
自然の風景から学ぼうよ、という話もあった。ピーターさんは四つの違うタイプの森の写真を見せてくれた。たとえ同じ種の樹であっても、どこにはえるかで、全く異なった形態の森となり、びっくりするほど違う顔を見せる。土地の状態、土壌、水、風そして太陽などが森林の形態をつくる。だとしたら、どうしてこの自然の風景から学ばないの?というのが彼の考えだ。もし、建築が周囲の自然環境から学べば、エネルギー使用の面で非常に効率的な建物になるだろう、と。 it does make sense!

In addition, his hand drawings were so beautiful! His architect firm use hand drawing to communicate the idea with people, in such a computer age. He believe the honest line produced by our hand speaks a lot. cool! I love it! 

baby boy/赤ちゃん

One day, Rob, my classmate came to uni with his baby boy Jude.
Little boy smiled to everyone and made us so happy.

赤ちゃんって すごいなぁ


cuppa at "tant pour tant cafe"

I love to spend relaxing time at cafe with a cup of cappuccino. It might be becouse my mother loves to go coffee shop. Here, Launceston, Tasmania could be one of the vest places to enjoy cafe culture. 

This afternoon, I went to new cafe 'tant pour tant cafe' that has just opened last month at George st.  A cup of cappuccino with a lovely chocolate macaron made me so happy although I was tired by my work. The tiny macaron was really nice and other tarts and cakes looks so yummy. I think I sould come back to try other sweets.  


今日の午後は、先月ジョージストリートに新しくオープンしたばかりのカフェ'tant pour tant cafe' に行ってみました。カプチーノのカップのそばに、かわいいチョコレートマカロンがころんとついて出てきました。仕事を終えたばかりで少し疲れていた私だったけど、一気に元気になりました。ちっちゃなマカロンはほんとにおいしかった上に、ショーケースにならんでいる他のタルトやケーキも、すごくおいしそうで。ほかのスィーツを試しにまた来なくちゃねー。

tant pour tant cafe
75 George Street, Launceston, Tasmania


the winner of the Hidden Hobart 2011/隠されたホバート2011受賞しました!

Healing Spaces

'Mirroring Hobart’s surrounding nature in pocket spaces adjacent to existing car parks in the city, to provide a healing space for people including visitors of the hospital.'

"CONGRATS! Your project 'Healing Spaces' is the winner of the Hidden Hobart 2011: People With a City in Mind Panel Prize!" this message from Alysia made me so excited and happy today.
「おめでとう!あなたのプロジェクト'Healing Spaces(癒しの空間)'は the Hidden Hobart 2011(隠されたホバート2011): People With a City in Mind Panel Prize賞を受賞しました!」というアリシアからのメッセージが届いたおかげで今日の私はとってもハッピーです。

Actually, my happy day is started from David, the message from Alysia came next.  When David found me who had just came to school, he said "hey! congraturation! I saw your facebook!" I had no idea what is he talking about. He said to me "hey hey, you should check facebook." I'm checking facebook almost everyday but not everytime. I had checked yesterday while I was at uni but I haven't check it again from last night to this afternoon, becouse I don't have the internet at my house neither iPhone. David opend his facebook and show me the post; "Congratulations to Ryan Cawthorn and Masako Morita for winning the Peoples Choice Prize and the Panel Prize and Keith Westbrook and Stuart Muir Wilson for being shortlisted for the Panel Prize."
本当のことをいうと私のハッピーな一日はデイビッドから始まる。アリシアのメッセージはその次。学校にやってきたばかりの私を見つけるやいなや、デイビッドは、「ヘイ!おめでとう!facebookをみたよ!」って声をかけてくれました。が、その時の私には、なにがおめでたいのかさっぱりわからず。「ヘイヘイ、facebookをチェックしなきゃだめじゃないか!」とデイビッド。私はほぼ毎日facebookをチェックしてるのよ、ただ、いつでもどこでも、っていうわけじゃないだけ。昨日だって、学校にいる間はfacebookを開いていたもの。ただ昨日の夜から今日の午後まではノーチェック。なにしろ家にインターネットひいてないし、それから私はiPhoneだってもっていない。デイビッドは手招きして、彼のfacebookをひらいて、私にある投稿をみせてくれた。"Congratulations to Ryan Cawthorn and Masako Morita for winning the Peoples Choice Prize and the Panel Prize and Keith Westbrook and Stuart Muir Wilson for being shortlisted for the Panel Prize."わぉ!

Check out the whole exhibition and citations...


I would like to write down the citation of my panel and its Japanese translation. This is because I really want to tell to my family in Japan! My parents and grand parents read this blog, don't they?

Hidden Hobart Panel citation:
Masako Morita, a final year student at the University of Tasmania's School of Architecture and Design, is be congratulated on an outstanding entry. She has progressed the recommendations of the Gehl Architects report through an integrated response that addresses the natural landscape, visual environment and function of Hobart in a built form that is created primarily for people.
Her proposition 'Healing Spaces' features a pocket park on the edge of a multi-storey car park adjacent to the Royal Hobart Hospital to 'provide a healing space for people including visitors of the hospital'. The creation of intimate quality spaces for people to rest and contemplate encourages occupation in the city through 'inviting' people to stay. The focus on greening spaces also addresses a current shortage of parks in the heart of the CBD and provides a more interesting and enjoyable experience for visitors of the hospital and the city alike. The project is also quite economical and thus is identified as not only a whimsical yet futurist proposal but also achievable in the short term.

タスマニア大学建築デザイン学科最終学年の学生の彼女は、優秀なエントリに祝福されている。彼女は自然をもちいた風景(ランドスケープ、庭)と視覚的な環境をホバートの街の機能をビルの形態に統合させ、第一に人々の為の場をつくるという方法でthe Gehl Architects report(デンマークの建築家のゲィルさんの建築レポート)の提言を発展させた。彼女の提案である'Healing Spaces' はロイヤルホバート病院に隣あう巨大な駐車場のふちにポケットパーク(小さな公園)を設け、まちの人々、とくに病院に訪れる人々のために癒しの空間を演出する。ほっとひと息つける場所、また深く思考するこのできる場所、このような人々の為の親密な質の高い空間の創造は、人々をまちに呼び寄せ、まちなかに滞在させることができるだろう。この緑化空間は同時に、ホバートの中心部の公園の不足という現状への解法であり、また病院を訪れる人々に楽しい時間をもたらすことができる。このプロジェクトはまた、非常に経済的であり、夢見がちな未来の提案というだけでなく短期的に達成可能なプロジェクトとして識別されました。

Australian Institute of Architects also introduced this prize on their website. Such a honour.... Thank you.


Again, I want to say thank you.
I want to say thank you to my parents and grand parents who always supports me from far away.
Also I'm really lucky to have great tutor, Shamus Mulcahy and Justin Beall. I'm appreciate their wonderful tutorial.

Thanks a lot.

ほんとうに ありがとうございます。



「それぞれの3月11日以後」雑誌のおしらせ /"The life of each individuals after 3.11. " The Magazine has been published.

「それぞれの 3月11日以後。 風に寄せた便り 」
雑誌“fratto”vol.14 に、ちょこっと文章を書かせてもらいました。だいぶ生っぽい、素の私のきもちが そのまま詰め込んだります 。読んでくれるとうれしいです。ちなみに表紙はタスマニアのこども…6歳のソフィーちゃんの描いた絵ですぜひ手にとってみてくださいな。アマゾンからも注文できるようです。

I wrote an article on magazine which is now on sale in Japan. "Letters which delivered by breeze tell us the life of each individuals after 3.11-The great earthquake and tsunami in Japan-" in "fratto"vol.14.
My honest voice from the bottom of my heart is written on the paper. The article title is "the letter from Tasmania". The cute picture on the cover page of the magazine is drew by little girl in Tasmania. Her name is Sophia, 6 years old. I would be very happy if you read my essay, although it is written in Japanese. You could get through amazon.

The website of the magazine"fratto"



fratto vol.14 2011.10.25 発売

There might be no Japanese who don't care about the 3.11 after we saw the painful scenery.
So many people have shocked, although some of them live in the safe area where had no physical damages.  Impatience and anxiety.  People forced to face and deal one of the most difficult situation. We found that some people start to take action by bit by bit, one by one. Someone for just cuddle, someone to pray. This magazine shows the subsequent news from those people who takes action.




Everything has been steal away in a instant and it  lead the idea; after all, what we can protect  might be limited, it could be only small little things we can grab by our own hands.
The Earthquake,  the tsunami and the subsequent nuclear plants accident.
We have been questioning ourselves - it is a essential question "What do we live by?" "How would we live?" - while seen pitiful site since 3.11. What we should choose to protect in such a limited situation? It could be quite difficult to live without any changes of our mind, lifestyle or thought.

Imagine what is the thought or feeling of your neigbours who are in similar situation as you with anxiety and confusion. Someone has been looking for something they can contribute to help other people, despite they are in trouble too. Those everything could be one of the answer, and it would be one of the pray as well at the same time.

The life of each individuals after 3.11.
Why not try open the news afterwards?






タスマニア大学では建築が環境に及ぼす影響や、エネルギー効率について考慮することが求められます。多国籍・多文化のクラスメイトと「Green Architecture(環境にやさしい建築)とは?」というディスカッションを重ねたりするのですが、育った環境が違えば、建築家の役割についての倫理観も、自然の概念も違う。そのなかで私は哲学、環境倫理学の面からGreen Architectureに興味を持つようになりました。

例えば、Natureの反義語がArtである英語圏では、「守るべき自然が人間の活動によって壊されている」という前提からはじまり「建築、都市開発による自然環境へのダメージをどれだけ減らせるのか」と、議論は終始、自然vs人工の二項対立(デカルトの心身二元論由来の西洋的な考え方)でおこなわれている。それならば対照的な東洋思想、たとえば心身一如論の視点でGreen Architectureを考えたらどうなるのだろう?という問いが、「Green Architecture?」というインスタレーションにつながりました。

先日タスマニア州政府建築オフィスと共同で州都ホバートの研究をする機会をいただき、一緒に「SPECULATE(思索)」という冊子をつくりましたが、私は特に都市でおこっている自然と人のかかわりについての研究をしました。現在はこの研究をベースに「Healing Space」としての「人と自然をつなぐ建築」の可能性を探っているところです。


My neighbours at university of Tasmania. / わたしのご近所さんたち。タスマニア大学にて。

My desk is located top floor of the building of architecture school. I always go to my desk first when I arrive school becouse everything I need -books, drawings, pens, papers, tea, coffee, soup and so on- are here. Putting down my backpack, taking off my coat, grabbing my orange mug cup, and making tea or coffee.  When I settle, I opened my schedule book and think what should I do today. I often head to computer rab or sometimes workshop to do my work. My desk is like base camp of the long mountain climbing.

There is a shelf behind my desk. I always  tarn my seat to pick some green tea bag up from the shelf as I drink a hundreds of cups of tea/coffee.  Nick, my classmate is sitting next to the shelf. As a result, I often see his back.



 Anna sits in front of me. Alex is sitting behind of Anna.

Emma's desk is next to me and Peter's is in fron of Emma.
Unfortunately I don't have drawing of two of them though.

Working desks with neighbours.
These are my ordinary sceneries at university of Tasmania.
Such a loveable sceneries.




十月に読んだ本リスト/The books lists in October.


Constructing Landscape: Materials, Techniques, Structural ComponentsConstructing Landscape: Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
読了日:10月18日 著者:
Materials for Architectural DesignMaterials for Architectural Design
読了日:10月18日 著者:Victoria Ballard Bell,Patrick Rand
Green Design: From Theory to PracticeGreen Design: From Theory to Practice
読了日:10月18日 著者:
天才!  成功する人々の法則天才! 成功する人々の法則
読了日:10月13日 著者:マルコム・グラッドウェル
Innovations in Hospital ArchitectureInnovations in Hospital Architecture
読了日:10月13日 著者:Stephen Verderber
喜嶋先生の静かな世界 (100周年書き下ろし)喜嶋先生の静かな世界 (100周年書き下ろし)
大学院の最終提出日が近づいてきて、慌ただしくなってきた最近、急にふっと読み返したくなりました。私は理系研究者ではないけれども…提出までの時間、おもいきり楽しもう という気持ちになりました
読了日:10月12日 著者:森 博嗣
