Let's take a break.

Let's take a break when it's convenient.


cafe Amelia at LARC

'Cigarette Meditations' is now available at cafe Amelia at LARC( Launceston Assistance and Research Centre)  located 48 George St.
カフェ・アメリアがわたしたちの本'Cigarette Meditations'をおいてくれることになりました。48 George StにあるLARC(ロンセストンリサーチセンター)の一角のカフェです。

 My recommendation is to have a cup of coffee at Amelia and have a look our book'Cigarette Meditations', as well as interesting magazines and books at the cafe. The cafe is much more than a great space to have a coffee and cake. The space for a wonderful mix of colour, design, imagination, sunshine, caffeine and productivity!By the way, Mako recommend Amelia's orange blossom cake too. It's beautiful. 
このカフェはただ珈琲やケーキを提供するっていうだけの場所じゃないんです。太陽に光に、様々な色とカフェインと交じり合うようにして想像性を触発し創造性を刺激するような、そんな場所。建築研究所の一角ですからもちろん、デザインへのインスピレーションを得られる場所でもあり。他にもいろいろと面白い本や雑誌のそろっているこのカフェで、珈琲を飲みながら'Cigarette Meditations'をひらいてみるのはいかがですか。あ、それから、このカフェの「オレンジの花咲くカップケーキ」はとってもおいしいのでおすすめです。見た目もすごく綺麗で、かわいらいいの。


Cataract Gorge / カタラクト渓谷

Caturact Gorge is one of my favorite place. I always think I'm a lucky person who lives near to the gorge.
I'm thinking of Gorge, although I didn't get out from our house today as it has been raining and it was really cold. I found my sketch of the gorge from a month ago. Flipping my old sketch books is as nice as reading book when it rain.


智恵子抄 / 'The Chieko Poems'


'Stretching her arms like a small child,
Revelling in the morning light,
Smiling at the birds' singing.'

Winter is comming to Launceston, small town in Tasmania. Trees of Princess Square has been dropped its leaves which were rich shinny gold, and the trees brunch is now almost naked. The trees seems giving ther starring position to a fountain located in the center of the park. Woman who supporting the fountain at its under is wet and illuminated by strong daylight from low angle. I'm wondering what is she thinking.  Looking at the sculpture of a women of the fountain, and thinking about Chieko.

I'm reading "The Chieko Poems"  written by Kotaro Takamura, Japanese poet. I want to share and enjoy the world of Kotaro and Chieko, I'm going to introduce some of his poems with English translations. Luckey, I found a translator wrote English translation of the poems on his website.



You Get More And More Pretty

Why do women get more and more pretty 
As they cast off all their affectations?
Your body washed clean by the years
Flies through infinity like heavenly metal
Untouched by vanity or worldly esteem,
Pure, cool, clear essence of being
Living, moving, responding to its desires.
Will it take centuries for women to learn
That this is how a woman should be?
When you're standing still in silence
You are truly a creature made by God.
Sometimes I am secretly astounded
As you get more and more pretty.







Extraordinary Chieko

Chieko sees what cannot be seen,
Hears what cannot be heard.

Chieko goes where no-one else can go,
Does what no-one else can do.

Chieko doesn't see the physical me,
She yearns for the me behind me.

Chieko has lifted off the burden of pain
And drifted into a realm of grace and beauty.

I hear her voice calling over and over to me
But Chieko no longer has a ticket to the human world.

Six Poems

When I single-mindedly attack my work, don't think I am lonely, Chieko.

People are talking about Chieko using that terrifying word 'mad'.

A mass of pine pollen hovers above the beach, Chieko becomes one of a flock of magpies.

Chieko knew that I was going to devote everything to my work and, knowing that, suffered.

Alone in this house filled with Chieko's breath, I close my eyes but cannot sleep.

Kotaro and Chieko lived here long ago, they created a dreamworld beyond compare.

English translations by Paul Archer of poems by Kotaro Takamura, Federico Garcia Lorca, Miguel de Cervantes, León de Greiff, Fyodor Tyutchev and Sabine Schiffner.

Kotaro Takamura
March 13, 1883 - April 2, 1956
Japanese poet and sculptor. 
The poems that form the Chieko Poems
 collection draw on the poet's own life experiences and, read as a sequence, 
tell the story of his relationship with Chieko through their courtship, marriage, 
her mental breakdown and death. They are an enduring testament to the power of love.


Because we are drinking scotch./それはスコッチを飲んでいるからさ。

One night,  I went down to lounge room after I had finished reading a novel, and then I found that my housemates and friends dressed up with suits and leather shoes. They even wear perfume as well. What's happening!? Did they had a formal party or things like that?
"Why does everyone wear sits?" I asked.
"Because we are drinking scotch." One of them answered.

They looked relaxed on the couch, and watching a comedy show. It's ordinal evening except they were dressed up for drinking scotch.

I love them so much.



"Cigarette Meditations" is now displayed in the window of "M.W.STEVENSON- BOOKSELLER" on Charles Street - 236 Charles Street, Launceston, Tasmania- . Such a exciting news! Thank you Martin!

"Cigarette Meditations(煙草瞑想)"は、今、タスマニア、ロンセストンの本屋さん "M.W.STEAVENSON- BOOKSELLER"のショーケースに飾ってもらっています。嬉しいな。

"Launseston poet and artist" , that he noted. Thank you again.

"M.W.STEVENSON - BOOKSELLER" is located on Charles Street which has many nice cafes. Why not visit the street and enjoy having a look our book with a cup of coffee? 
私たちの本を置いてくださっている本やさん "M.W.STEVENSON - BOOKSELLER" は素敵なカフェのおおく立ち並ぶCharles Streetにめんしています。本を手にしたら、カフェの気持ちいい席にすわって、おいしい珈琲とともにゆったりとした時間を楽しんでくださいね。

Isn't it lovely book shop? You can have a look our "Cigarette Meditations" at "M.W.STEVENSON-BOOKSELLER". Nice shop and nice person .

Martin is really nice and interesting to talk to. If you like reading book, he would be great person to talk about book. Martin knows about both of us, Daniel and me. I believe that he would have a chat about our book, if you ask him about "Cigarette Meditations". 
How about going to the bookshop to have a look at our book?
お店のおじさんもすっごくいい人なんです。本に詳しくお喋り好きで、私たち二人のこともよくわかってくれている。"Cigarette Meditations"のことを聞いたら、このおじさんがあれこれ教えてくれるはず。タスマニア在住の方はぜひ、足を運んでみてくださいな。

I wish more and more people have a look our book. 
Good luck on "Cigarette Meditations"!



Who is the art for?./誰の為のアート? - Junction Art Festival -

Who is the art for? 
I believe that "Junction Art Festival" in Tasmania has a clear answer; the art of the festival is for the local community, for the people who lives here.

タスマニアで毎年開かれるアートの祭典「Junction Art Festival」は、きっとこう答える。「地域のコミュニティ、ここに住んでいる人たちのためのもの」だと。

What is the art for? 
I guess the answer could be "for people's smile." Warm and happy atmosphere, that's I felt from previous festivals. Many of art works in the festival offered local people to get involved. The arts of the festival were not deceplayed smugly in a museum, but papered in the city friendly. I found most of art are not willing to make you scared or cried, but willing to make you smile.


One of my favorite art project from last year was "Letter Writing Service" which was happened at cafes in the city; this cafe, PX cafe, and Nana's cafe.  
"Need a well crafted love letter? Have something you want to say to your nearest and dearest? A team of leading novelists, poets, and journalists from across Tasmania, set up in cafés with typewriters, stationary, and a variety of pens and quills are ready to help audience members compose letters and notes and write on your behalf. They’re ready and waiting." 

I was at this cafe for "Letter Writing Service". Christina, professional writer was there and helped a little girl writing letter to her dad. The girl explained how much she loves her dad and how great her dad is. Christine talked to her kindly and reconstructed her piece of stories to beautiful letter. People working at the cafe and other customers enjoyed the progress of this art project. It was a beautiful moment. It was really warm and just so nice. The girl seemed so happy to have a beautiful letter, and I guess her must be happy too.

去年のプログラムの中で、わたしのお気に入りは"Letter Writing Service (手紙代筆サービス)"。街中のカフェ(this cafe、PX cafe、 Nana's cafe)でおこなわれたのアートプロジェクトだ。

この手紙代筆サービスの様子を見てみようと、this cafeに言ってみました。クリスティーナというプロのライターさんが小さな女の子がお父さんへの手紙を書くのを手伝っていて。その小さい女の子は、お父さんがどんなに素敵か、どれだけお父さんのことが大好きなのかを一生懸命説明するのを聞いて、クリスティーナがそれらをつなぎ合わせ、校正しなおして美しい手紙に仕上げる。その一連の様子を、カフェで働いてるお店の人も、お客さんも、わたしもみんなで楽しむんです。ほんとに、なんだかいい時間でした。そのちっちゃい女の子は嬉しそうにしてたし、きっとその子のお父さんも嬉しかったことだろうなぁ。

"Junction Arts Festival is an exuberant show case of wonderful art encompassing theatre, dance, opera, visual arts, writing, installation and more. With mostly free and participatory events which invite and encourage public interaction and involvement, the festival is a celebration of our vibrant local community." website said. 

I had enjoyed Junction Art Festival 2010, and 2011 as one of the resident in Launceston. and this year, I'm going to enjoy Junction Art Festival 2012 more actively, as a part of project member! I'm so excited!

「Junction Arts Festival は演劇、ダンス、オペラ、ビジュアルアート、文章、インスタレーションなどを網羅する、熱気あふれる芸術のショーケースです。ほとんどのアートが無料で、まちの人が気軽に参加できるスタイルをとっています。このフェスティバルは活気あふれるローカル・コミュニティ(地元のひとたち)のための祝祭なのです。 」(ウェブサイトより引用)

タスマニアはロンセストンの住民の一人として、わたしも Junction Art Festival 2010, and 2011を楽しませてもらいました。そして今年、わたしはまた Junction Art Festival 2012を楽しもうとおもっています。こんどは、イベントの作り手として!さぁ、おもしろいことになってきました。


After making a book.../ 本を作ったその後に…

The piles of  "Cigarette Meditations" has arrived here in Tasmania. 
たくさんの「Cigarette Meditations(煙草瞑想)」の本が、ここ、タスマニアに届きました。 

Daniel Spinks and I made "Cigarette Meditations", portly and art book. We believe it is nice book and worth to have it. We wish many people will enjoy reading our book. What should we do next?
Both of us are not sure how can we let a lot of people to read our book, as we are not professional business man who have experiences to selling or promoting books. It is a challenging, but we are excited. Whole process of making a book to letting people to read it, is new challenge to us.
詩とアートの本「Cigarette Meditations(煙草瞑想)」を作りました。ダニエル・スピンクスとわたし、作者二人して、なかなかいい本にしあがったなと、大満足です。(自画自賛をお許しください。)この本を多くの人に楽しんでもらえたら嬉しい。そう思ってます。でも、次に何をしたらいいのでしょう?どうしたら多くの人に読んでもらえるのだろう?本を売ったり宣伝したり、ビジネスの経験のさっぱりない二人です、本を作ったその後になにをどうすべきなのかいまいちよく分かりません。初めてのことって難しい、だけど同時にすごくわくわくする。手探りですすめています。本を作ってから読み手に届けるまで、この全てが、挑戦なんです。

First of all, we had made facebook page of  "Cigarette Meditations" and invited our friends. So, at rest, our friends now know we made a new book. We uploads our news and images on the facebook page at it going to appeared my twitter account too. Some of our friends has already contacted to us and bought books from us. It was really great news and made us so happy! I wish they enjoys reading the book and will love it. 
まず最初に「Cigarette Meditations」の facebookページをつくって、おたがいそれぞれの友達に知らせました。だから、新しく本を作ったということを、少なくとも友人たちには知らせることができました。本の情報や、写真なんかをこの facebookページにアップロードしていきます。そのニュースはわたしのtwitterにも流れるようになっています。何人かの友達が連絡をくれて本を買ってくれることになりました。ありがとう!すっごく嬉しい。本を買ってくれた友人たちが、楽しんで読んでくれたら、それからこの本のことを好きになってくれたら、そんなうれしいことはありません。

I'm now wondering what should we do next? I want that "Cigarette Meditation" will be read by not only our friends and family but also more people. I also want people to buy, have this book with them and keep it at their bookshelf or put it on their table. How could it happen? 

 Let me think about my case. When did I buy totally new book written by new author? I would buy book, only if I think the book is worth to pay money after blowing at bookstores, a library, cafes or at friends' houses. Than, I guess our "Cigarette Meditations" needs opportunities that  more people can have a look at public place. I also bought new book when I read interesting book reviews on the internet, magazines, or new papers. Yet, how can "Cigarette Meditations" got book review from someone? 
自分の場合を考えてみる。振り返ってみよう、どんなときに新しい著者の新しい本を買ったのか。まずは本屋さんで立ち読みをしたて、そしてお金を払う価値のあるもの、だとおもった時にだけわたしは本を買う。本屋さんに限らず、新しいほんとの出会いは図書館だったり、カフェだったり、友達の家だったりもする。とにかく手にとって、ぱらぱらめくって、さーっと目を通した後購入するかどうか決めるのだ。とすると、この「Cigarette Meditations」も人目に触れる機会が必要だっていうこと。かな。それともうひとつ、おもしろいレビュー(読書感想)をインターネット上や、雑誌、新聞などで目にしたときも、新しい本を買ってみようかなーという気になる。でもどうやったら「Cigarette Meditations」のレビューをだれかに書いてもらえるんだろうか。

From making a book to letting people to read it, it is my new challenging. try try try and have fun.

To buy this book, go to the Blurb website below.

our facebook page


5月に読んだ本リスト/ Books of May


"What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" is an essay written by Haruki Murakami. All texts is literally about marathon that is important part of Haruki who is not professional runner but professional novelist. How deep the connection between running
読了日:05月23日 著者:村上 春樹

1Q84 BOOK 31Q84 BOOK 3
読了日:05月17日 著者:村上 春樹

ボクが医者になるなんて (幻冬舎文庫)ボクが医者になるなんて (幻冬舎文庫)
読了日:05月17日 著者:川渕 圭一

道徳形而上学原論 (岩波文庫)道徳形而上学原論 (岩波文庫)
読了日:05月13日 著者:カント

回転木馬のデッド・ヒート (講談社文庫)回転木馬のデッド・ヒート (講談社文庫)
"Sketches" that how he call his these kind of writing. It's not novel. Neither journal. It is sketches by words. I do like it so much. 「観月観世」という本を思い出させるところのある、それぞれの人の奇妙でおもしろい話。回転木馬の方がわたし好み。「スケッチ」と著者のよぶスタイルの文章がとても好きだ。「遠い太鼓」では説明無しにつかわれていた「スケッチ」に、ここにきてようやく納得
読了日:05月13日 著者:村上 春樹

読了日:05月12日 著者:内田樹

左岸 上 (集英社文庫)左岸 上 (集英社文庫)
読了日:05月12日 著者:江國 香織

右岸 上 (集英社文庫)右岸 上 (集英社文庫)
読了日:05月12日 著者:辻 仁成

遠い太鼓 (講談社文庫)遠い太鼓 (講談社文庫)
Travel journal by Haruki Murakami. It made me laugh out several times. It's interesting to know his real life during he was writing long novel. His well known novel "Norwegian Wood" was written in this 3 years travel around Europe.
読了日:05月06日 著者:村上 春樹
