slow and gradually change....

I’m so sleepy. I feel like having a lazy evening. My heart is not strong enough to keep myself working hard. I always start doing what I want to do. I tend to run away from things I feel are boring, even though I knew that boring things are important. Learning grammar, using a dictionary, practice of pronunciation, and being careful in my use of English, are important in terms of improving my English, yet my lazy heart often says ‘hey let’s take a break!’  If I didn’t live with Mr.Spinks, my strict English tutor, I would not be writing this composition today.  

On the other hand, I have drawn and painted sceneries, read a newspaper, magazine, and ‘the Great Gatsby’ today, without anyone supervising me. The reason is simple; These are fun, so I like to do them. I read a newspaper and magazine at a café without any pressure. It has become my daily habit. If it is sketches, it is more than a daily habit. I’m addicted to drawing things in my sketchbook. I do feel anxiety when I go out without my sketchbook. I don’t need anyone to tell me to do it, I simply do it. I believe that if I keep working on my sketch journals it might be able to bring me my dream life style, but more than anything, I love to do it.

However, I noticed that my daily habit above was starting to be under pressure. I knew it all began from pushing myself harder. For example, I am just recently feeling comfortable to read more than ten pages per day of an English novel. I read ‘Across the river and into the trees’ before ‘The Great Gatsby’, and it took a long time to read it. I often ran away from Hemingway’s novel written in English and jumped into novels and essays written in Japanese during the last few months. Mr. Spinks asked me ‘have you read Hemingway today?’ almost every day, and my answer was often ‘not yet.’ 

3 years ago, it seemed impossible to enjoy reading newspapers or magazines for me. I often gave up reading before I finished one article, because it was too difficult and too long for me. My former English teacher recommended that I read a newspaper every day.

Drawing and painting were also not my daily habit either. I remember I forced myself to do one sketch every week. It was difficult to follow my rule to achieve goal because sketching was lots of work for me as a lazy person. It was also 3 years ago when I started my life overseas in Tasmania. I carried my sketchbook only on weekends and I sometimes came back home without filling any pages of the sketchbook. 3years- actually 3 and a half years- practice has definitely improved my skills. It was a slow and gradually change, but things have definitely improved. I know it, but I also know what a lazy person I am. I hope I will keep working on my English.


Milkbar -cafe to go when I want to have a girlish coffee time. /女の子っぽい珈琲タイムな気分のときにいくカフェ

 When I want to have a girlish coffee time, I go to ‘Milkbar’, which is one of my favorite cafes in Launceston. The shop is full of lovely things which little girls would like, or which I used to like a lot when I was a little girl, like paper dolls and their clothes. Picture books for colouring, stamps, sewing things, and pretty antiques. Since my first visit only 3 days after its opening,I have visited the cozy café many times and had many cups of capucchino.

People of Milkbar are nice and friendly, and it drives me to go back to the café many times. One day, when I sat down at a wooden table decorated with tiny flowers, and opened my sketchbook as usual, Isis -Milkbar person- came and talked to me with many coloured pens. ‘Hey, Mako. These are my favorite pens. They are beautiful. Would you like to try them for today’s sketches? ’ she said. There were 24 colours of STABILO pens that have tiny black swans printed on them. It was nice of Isis. I used the colour pens instead of my ordinary black pens to do sketching and it brought me a different style of drawing. I enjoyed it so much.

Today(5th July), I went to Milkbar to relax after work. Sketching, reading magazines and having a coffee is the best way to refresh in the CBD for me. Damien- another Milkbar person gave me a zine as well as a capucchino in a warm brown coloured mug, to my table. He said ‘Do you know this magazine? I found your name in it. Look in here.’ He opened the magazine and pointed out a line. I was surprised because I had no idea that I was in the magazine, but yes I found my name in its article. They referred to me as a ‘zine artist’ which sounds unfamiliar to me.  The article was about the Junction Art Festival and introduced artists. ‘….. a resident zine artist, Mako who will draw what she sees happening and produce a limited run zine each day’. ‘Isn’t this you?’ Damien asked me. ‘Yes, it’s me.’ I answered with a big smile. It has made me so happy. The magazine called ‘WARP’ is Tasmania’s street magazine of music and art. Damien let me take a copy of it home, so I could proudly show it to my housemates. Thanks!
今日(7月5日)もまた仕事のあとで「Milkbar」にでかけた。珈琲を飲みながらいくつかのスケッチをして、雑誌をぱらぱらめくり、気になる記事、人や物事はメモをとっておいて…そうやってすごす時間は、心休まる癒しの時間だ。町なかにいるときにゆるりとリラックスしたくなったら、これにかぎる。今日はDamien(もう一人のMilkbar オーナー)が、あたたかいブラウンカラーのカップにたっぷりのカプチーノと一緒に雑誌を持って来てくれた。「この雑誌のこと知ってる?真子の名前をみつけたんだよ。」びっくりした。雑誌に自分がでてる?なにも思い当たることがない。ダミアンは雑誌を開いて記事を指差しながら「ほら、ここ、この記事読んでみて」と言う。たしかに、わたしの名前がそこにあった。「zine artist」としてわたしのことが紹介されてるけど、zine artistって一体何だ?さっぱり聞き覚えがない言葉だ。記事はジャンクション・アート・フェスティバルについてて、アーティストたちの紹介をしてあった。「resident zine artist(ロンセストン在住の地元のジン・アーティスト)の真子は、彼女が目にしたものを描き、日々雑誌を発行する…」ほうほう。ダミアンが「ね、これって真子のこと?」ってわたしの顔を覗き込む。「うん。そうだよ。これ、わたしのことみたいだ」って答える。なんだかちょっと、ほっこりとうれしい気分になった。「WARP」という名前の音楽とアートの雑誌で、タスマニアのストリートマガジンというものらしい。ダミアンが、その雑誌も持っていっていいよ、と言ってくれたので、お言葉に甘えて家に持ち帰りました。おかげでハウスメイトに得意げに雑誌をみせびらかすことができました。「ねぇ、ほら、みてみて、わたし、zine artistらしいよ!」ってうきうきしながら。ありがと、Milkbar!

'Milkbar is a friendly, locally-owned cafe and workshop space 
situated in the centre of Launceston, Tasmania. 
Milkbar provides a cosy, vintage-inspired space to 
enjoy a relaxing coffee or organic tea, 
locally made sweets, and fresh salads & rolls. '

139 ST John st, Launceston, Tasmania


imaging people’s dreams./いまごろ、どんな夢をみているのだろう

Daniel has been reading books on the red couch this evening. He complained about his blanket which somehow came out from its cover, while he was reading a book written by Leopoldo Lugones, an Argentinian writer whom I have never read. He moved his body under a naked blanket, as if he is a larva making  its cocoon shell. His long body doesn’t fit on the red couch, so his feet are lying over the armrest of the couch on to another. I can see the crumpled sheets which had slipped off from the blanket are now at his feet on the grey couch.  There are cigarettes, cigarette papers, filters and a thick book written by Marcel Proust on the floor. Daniel now reads this heavy-looking book written in French. À la recherche du temps perdu -In Search of Lost Time’ is as thick as his French dictionary.  It must be hard work for him to read such a huge book in his second language, but he says he is enjoying reading it. 
While I am writing these few sentences, he seems to have fallen asleep. I am imagining what kind of dream he is now having. I guess his brain may be interweaving a story of Lugones and Proust in the scenery of a mixture of Latin America and France.  

‘When he sleeps, he is asleep.’ I murmured. I learned this new word ‘asleep’ from him today, however, I have just noticed I am supposed to know this word. Fitzgerald seems to prefer to use ‘asleep’ rather than ‘sleep’ in ‘The Great Gatsby’, the book which I have been reading these days. I guess I always read ‘asleep’ as ‘sleep’ so I didn’t know the word ‘asleep’ until Daniel mentioned it.  How careless my reading style is! I think I’m reading books less careful than Daniel who always uses a dictionary. There is no Japanese-English dictionary around me. I spent this rainy cold day reading books like him though. I read ‘Damien’ written by Hermann Hesse in Japanese translation and ‘The Great Gatsby’ in English. It’s an amazing combination to read. I feel that ‘Damien’ is a dark and deep, thought provoking novel, on the other hand, Fitzgerald’s novel is light and comfortable. It’s like winter and spring. Jumping between Japanese and English didn’t make me tired. Gatsby was very sweet in my dream last night.

By the way, the Gatsby’s name is ‘Jay Gatsby’. Jay is the same name as another of my housemates. I hope he is now asleep in his bed, because I believe he needs rest. Jay looked really sick today. His eyes were red and wet as if he had just been crying. Poor Jay. I hope he will be fine soon. Jay doesn’t seem very interested in reading books. He loves listing music and playing video games. I can’t imagine what kind of dream he has. The dream might be full of music. Come to think of it, I have never had a dream with music.

Listening to the sound of rain, thinking about books, and imaging people’s dreams, is a great way to spend a night peacefully. I hope no one minds that I’m guessing their dream.

赤いソファの上で本を読み耽っているのはダニエル。今夜の本はアルゼンチンの作家レオポルド・ルゴネスのもの。わたしはまだルゴネスの本を読んだことはない。ダニエルは本を読みながら掛け布団についてぶつぶつ文句を言いっては、もぞもぞ動いている。背の高いダニエルがねっころがるには赤いソファひとつじゃたりなくって、ソファの腕掛けから足がはみ出てとなりの灰色のソファにまでおよんでいるのだが、その足元に布団カバー(シーツ)がくしゃくしゃっと丸まっており、むき出しになってしまった白い掛け布団につつまれながら「なんでこのシーツはどんどん剥がれていくんだ。いらいらする…。いやなシーツだな…」とつぶやいている。繭を紡ぐ幼虫のように、くねくねとむき出しの白い布団の下で動いているのを横目に、わたしは日記を書いている。床に散らばるのは、刻み煙草のはいった袋に、煙草のためのまき紙にフィルター、フランス語の辞書に、マルセル・プルーストの分厚い本だ。ダニエルは今、ルゴネスを英語で読むのと平行して、この重たそうなプルーストの本をフランス語で読みすすめている。「A la Recherche du Temps Perdu」日本語のタイトルだと「失われた時を求めて」。プルースト一世一代の大作だ。フランス語ー英語の辞書と同じくらいの厚さがある。第二言語のフランス語でこの本を読むのは大変にちがいないのだけど、ダニエルにいわせれば、ものすごく楽しいことらしい。

なんとはなしにつぶやいてみる。「When he sleeps, he is asleep.」今日ダニエルから教わった言葉だ。動詞のsleepはよく使うけど、形容詞のasleepは今まで使ったことのない新しい単語だ。知らない単語を教わった気でいたけど、ほんとうは、すでに知っているべき単語だったのだと、あとで気がついた。なにしろ、ここのところわたしが英語で読んでいる本グレート・ギャツビー」のなかで、著者フィッツジェラルドはsleepではなくasleepを好んで使っているなのだ。わたしはasleepという単語が出てくるたびに、それを毎回sleepとして認識していたということだ。ダニエルに指摘されるまで気がつかなくて。だから「he was sleep」なんて間違いを平気でしてしまっていたのだ。どれだけ適当に、勢いだけで本を読んでいるのか、を思い知らされたきぶんだ。フランス語の辞書を片手に本をよみすすめるダニエルに比べると、わたしったら、ずいぶんいいかげんに本を読んでるんだろうなぁ。今夜はわたしもダニエルと同じくリビングルームで読書してすごしていたというのに、この部屋にあるのはダニエルの英仏辞書だけで、日英辞書も英英辞書もみあたらない。どうも辞書をひきながら小説を読むっていうのが性にあわないみたい。雨のしとしとふる冷え込んだ夜、ソファの上で毛布にくるまりながらの読書にわたしの選んだ本は、日本語に翻訳されたヘルマン・ヘッセの「デミアン」と、原作の英語でフランシス・スコット・キー・フィッツジェラルドのグレート・ギャツビー」。この二冊って一緒に読むには、いい組み合わせ、な気がする。「デミアン」はどこか重苦しく、心の底に深くもぐっていくようで、一方のフィッツジェラルドは軽やかで心地よいかんじだ。冬と春、みたいな。英語と日本語の間を行き来しながらの読書だと、あんまり疲れることなく読み続けられるし。そうそう、きのうの夜の夢にギャツビーがでてきたんだけど、なんだかすごーくあまい感じだった。ギャツビー素敵。




六月に読んだ本リスト/my book list in June.


続氷点 (下) (角川文庫)続氷点 (下) (角川文庫)
Such a heavy dark and strong story.... This is a novel about forgiveness. I also feel the author's passion and challenges; it's not only 'how could people live happier by forgiving crimes?' 'What is the rightness?' but also 'what is the literally for?'
読了日:06月15日 著者:三浦 綾子
続 氷点 (上) (角川文庫 (5072))続 氷点 (上) (角川文庫 (5072))
読了日:06月13日 著者:三浦 綾子
The Accidental Billionaires: Sex, Money, Betrayal and the Founding of FacebookThe Accidental Billionaires: Sex, Money, Betrayal and the Founding of Facebook
The story that inspired the film 'the social network'.It's about the founding of Facebook. Real story of unrealistic life - interesting, exciting and painful-. I don't want such a life though. 映画ソーシャルネットーワークの原作、Facebookの創立にまつわるあれこれを英語で読んでみた。
読了日:06月09日 著者:Ben Mezrich
ノマドライフ 好きな場所に住んで自由に働くために、やっておくべきことノマドライフ 好きな場所に住んで自由に働くために、やっておくべきこと
I dream to live in 2 or more places; my home town in Japan, somewhere in Australia (more?). This book;'contemporary nomadic life -what you need to do for living+working without being tied up to a place' helped me to know examples and explore possibility.
読了日:06月09日 著者:本田直之
Across the River and into the Trees (Scribner Classic)Across the River and into the Trees (Scribner Classic)
Finally I finished reading this Hemingway. It took 4months. I read too slow to enjoy whole as an one big story but, I did enjoyed its rhythmic dialogues. The book is like a patch work of dialogues for me.4ヶ月もかかってしまったがやっと読み終えた。英語でヘミングウェイ。小気味いいリズミカルな対話が印象的。
読了日:06月02日 著者:Hemingway
