Milkbar -cafe to go when I want to have a girlish coffee time. /女の子っぽい珈琲タイムな気分のときにいくカフェ

 When I want to have a girlish coffee time, I go to ‘Milkbar’, which is one of my favorite cafes in Launceston. The shop is full of lovely things which little girls would like, or which I used to like a lot when I was a little girl, like paper dolls and their clothes. Picture books for colouring, stamps, sewing things, and pretty antiques. Since my first visit only 3 days after its opening,I have visited the cozy café many times and had many cups of capucchino.

People of Milkbar are nice and friendly, and it drives me to go back to the café many times. One day, when I sat down at a wooden table decorated with tiny flowers, and opened my sketchbook as usual, Isis -Milkbar person- came and talked to me with many coloured pens. ‘Hey, Mako. These are my favorite pens. They are beautiful. Would you like to try them for today’s sketches? ’ she said. There were 24 colours of STABILO pens that have tiny black swans printed on them. It was nice of Isis. I used the colour pens instead of my ordinary black pens to do sketching and it brought me a different style of drawing. I enjoyed it so much.

Today(5th July), I went to Milkbar to relax after work. Sketching, reading magazines and having a coffee is the best way to refresh in the CBD for me. Damien- another Milkbar person gave me a zine as well as a capucchino in a warm brown coloured mug, to my table. He said ‘Do you know this magazine? I found your name in it. Look in here.’ He opened the magazine and pointed out a line. I was surprised because I had no idea that I was in the magazine, but yes I found my name in its article. They referred to me as a ‘zine artist’ which sounds unfamiliar to me.  The article was about the Junction Art Festival and introduced artists. ‘….. a resident zine artist, Mako who will draw what she sees happening and produce a limited run zine each day’. ‘Isn’t this you?’ Damien asked me. ‘Yes, it’s me.’ I answered with a big smile. It has made me so happy. The magazine called ‘WARP’ is Tasmania’s street magazine of music and art. Damien let me take a copy of it home, so I could proudly show it to my housemates. Thanks!
今日(7月5日)もまた仕事のあとで「Milkbar」にでかけた。珈琲を飲みながらいくつかのスケッチをして、雑誌をぱらぱらめくり、気になる記事、人や物事はメモをとっておいて…そうやってすごす時間は、心休まる癒しの時間だ。町なかにいるときにゆるりとリラックスしたくなったら、これにかぎる。今日はDamien(もう一人のMilkbar オーナー)が、あたたかいブラウンカラーのカップにたっぷりのカプチーノと一緒に雑誌を持って来てくれた。「この雑誌のこと知ってる?真子の名前をみつけたんだよ。」びっくりした。雑誌に自分がでてる?なにも思い当たることがない。ダミアンは雑誌を開いて記事を指差しながら「ほら、ここ、この記事読んでみて」と言う。たしかに、わたしの名前がそこにあった。「zine artist」としてわたしのことが紹介されてるけど、zine artistって一体何だ?さっぱり聞き覚えがない言葉だ。記事はジャンクション・アート・フェスティバルについてて、アーティストたちの紹介をしてあった。「resident zine artist(ロンセストン在住の地元のジン・アーティスト)の真子は、彼女が目にしたものを描き、日々雑誌を発行する…」ほうほう。ダミアンが「ね、これって真子のこと?」ってわたしの顔を覗き込む。「うん。そうだよ。これ、わたしのことみたいだ」って答える。なんだかちょっと、ほっこりとうれしい気分になった。「WARP」という名前の音楽とアートの雑誌で、タスマニアのストリートマガジンというものらしい。ダミアンが、その雑誌も持っていっていいよ、と言ってくれたので、お言葉に甘えて家に持ち帰りました。おかげでハウスメイトに得意げに雑誌をみせびらかすことができました。「ねぇ、ほら、みてみて、わたし、zine artistらしいよ!」ってうきうきしながら。ありがと、Milkbar!

'Milkbar is a friendly, locally-owned cafe and workshop space 
situated in the centre of Launceston, Tasmania. 
Milkbar provides a cosy, vintage-inspired space to 
enjoy a relaxing coffee or organic tea, 
locally made sweets, and fresh salads & rolls. '

139 ST John st, Launceston, Tasmania

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