toco.と展覧会のこと/About toco. and the exhibition.

I had really good time during 'Sketch Journals of Tasmania-Exhibition' at toco.-Tokyo Heritage Hostel in Japan, as I met and talk to many people at my gallery. Thank you for all the people who came to the exhibition, who helped setting up the gallery, and people of toco. I hope everyone had a good time as well as me. Did you have a great time at he gallery?

photo by Jay Ovens-Henig

One of the most happiest week had started from opening party with a lot of yummy foods on 9th February, and ended with nice and sweet smell of TORAsan's cakes on 16th February. I wish I could share the happy time with all of my friends  and people who likes my works, those people include who are not in Japan. So I'm going to show some photos of the week, I hope it would help you  to imagine the atmosphere. These photos are taken by my friends, Jay and Eri.

photo by Eri Tamaka


toco. -Tokyo Heritage Hostel is located in Shitaya town where has a sense of the traditional commercial and working-class neighbourhoods. You will see small family owned vegetable shop, fish shop, restaurant, coffee shop and so on. Those shops people are always talk friendly, sometimes shouting today's special to the audience. There are many plants and flower pots on narrow road in front of the buildings. Most buildings are 2 stories, it have narrow facades to street but have depth. The hostel, toco, is one of those lovely old building. It's around 90 years old timber house that had been renovated by young owner, managers, their friends and carpenters. There surely have a home-made feeling in its space, so it is not too snobbish. Lighting, materials, texture and greens helps warm, friendly  and welcoming atmosphere. I had seen the photos of toco. and has been thinking it would e great space to do my exhibition when I was living in Tasmania . I visited here as soon as possible after I came back to Japan. and ... yes, the space is really nice and I believe it suit with my sketch journals.

photo by Jay Ovens-Henig

I wanted this exhibition would have warm and friendly atmosphere like toco.'s atmosphere,  because of the charactor of my sketch journals. These journals are about my daily life in Tasmania. Random illustrations and words about little things that made me happy, small stuff made me upset or accidents that le me think. I want to share a part of my Tassie life through the sketch journals and talk about it with people. So the space have to have relaxed atmosphere, then stranger might be able to come and stay there without knowing me. Friendly atmosphere to enhance conversation would be important too. This exhibition is not aggressive temporally arts neither challenging design proposal  to change the world. I believe toco. is great space for my ideal sketch journal- exhibition. I pinched cards on the line instead of framing, simply put original sketchbooks on the stares and book shelf, and displayed paper on the wall by washi-tape. Kanako, the manager of toco, gave me advise, Jay helped to set up the gallery day before I arrived Tokyo, and Makiko my sister helped me a lot as usual. Thanks.
photo by Jay Ovens-Henig

photo by Jay Ovens-Henig

photo by Eri Tanaka
タスマニアでのおしごとのひとつ、ヒルバーンプロジェクトのレシピも展示。写真にうつっているカリフラワーとハーブのサラダは実際に作ったものがテーブルの上にも…。一品持ち寄りのオープニングパーティはたくさんのおいしい食べ物で埋め尽くされました。There are some recipes from Tasmania. I introduced the hilbarn project and I believe it helped guests to imagine life in Tasmania. One of the hilbarn recipe is this Cauliflower & Herb Salad recipe above. I cooked it for the opening party! There are so many yummy foods on the table at the party.
foods for opening party. photo by Jay Ovens-Henig
Girls worked so hard at the kitchen before the opening party. They are so good at cooking!
Kitcin! photo by Jay Ovens-Henig
toco.さんでは普段からいつもいろんな人が出たり入ったりするようで。いろんな国から来るバックパッカーはもちろんのこと、バーにくる常連さんもいて、それから日々いろんなイベントをひらいていて、それに集まってくるお客さんもいて。なんだかいつもにぎやかで、わいわいしてていい感じ。 展示開催期間中も、たこ焼きパーティーや、バレンタインのチョコフォンデュナイトなんかがひらかれたりしてて。エネルギーが渦巻いている感じです。展示をしているなんて全然知らなかったのーっていう、ふらっとtoco.に遊びに来てたひとともお会いできたりして。
During the exhibition, Tokyo Heritage Hostel toco. had other parties too; Takoyaki party & Chocolate party. The lounge room often filled with many different people, someone came to the party, some others are regular customers of the bar and of course back packers from many countries. So it gave me the opportunity to meet new people  who havve no idea about the exhibition either who is Mako. It was really great to talk to them.

Telling stories to the guest from Australia. photo by Eri Tanaka.

Chocolate Party ! Photo by Eri Tanaka.
 最後にもう少しだけ写真を楽しんでくださいな。Please enjoy having a look more photos.

photo by Jay Ovens-Henig
photo by Jay Ovens-Henig

Kanako, the manager of the toco & Azuno. photo by Jay Ovens-Henig

photo by Jay Ovens-Henig

photo by Mako

photo by Eri Tanaka

photo by Eri Tanaka

Again, thank you to all the people who came to the exhibition, who helped and supported me, who enjoyed the time ith me and who are having a look this blog and photos!


あさっての夜、2月9日はオープニングパーティーですよ/Opening Party! on 9th Feb is coming soon!

明後日の夜、2月9日は 「タスマニア絵日記展」オープニングパーティですよー!
The opening party for 'Sketch Journal of Tasmania -Exhibition' will be held day after tomorrow, Saturday night! Are you ready for the party?

オープニングパーティ/Opening Party

日時/Time:2月9日 19時より22時まで
           最寄駅-東京メトロ 日比谷線 入谷駅 4番出口より徒歩一分

                    toco.-Tokyo Heritage Hostel
                    2-13-21, Shitaya, Taito-ku, Tokyo.

Transit at Ueno station to Tokyo Metro Hibiya line.
Take a Hibiya line bound for Tobu-doubutsukoen and get off at Iriya station(¥160).
Go out of '''E X I T 4''' .
It takes only one minute walk from ''Iriya station'' to toco.

参加費/Fee:無料 Free 
               Please bring some foods to share with other people.
               You don't have to worry about drink, as the toco has a Bar.
    I'm going to cook something yummy!

More information; please find a website of toco.  http://backpackersjapan.co.jp/english/

toco. の女将さんのかなこちゃんが、




●2月9日 19時〜22時
●参加費 無料。バーはあるのですがフードがないので、軽食の1品持ち寄りをお願いします。
Backpackers’ Japan (2013年2月 1日 22:23)

1月の読んだ本リスト/A list of books which I have read in Japnuary


読了日:1月27日 著者:小川 糸
たい焼の魚拓 単行本たい焼の魚拓 単行本
読了日:1月27日 著者:宮嶋 康彦
読了日:1月23日 著者:伊達 千代,内藤 タカヒコ
デザイン・ルールズ デザインをはじめる前に知っておきたいことデザイン・ルールズ デザインをはじめる前に知っておきたいこと
読了日:1月23日 著者:伊達千代,内藤タカヒコ
東京建築 みる・あるく・かたる東京建築 みる・あるく・かたる感想
建築を専門としていない人にも楽しめるようなスタイルの建築についての本。といことで、書き方とか、スタンスとかを勉強させてもらうつもりで購入。建築史家・倉方俊輔と文筆家・甲斐みのり の二人の会話ですすむ東京建築めぐり散歩。ふんわりゆるりとおもしろい。この本片手に東京歩き回りたい
読了日:1月20日 著者:倉方俊輔,甲斐みのり
ホルモー六景 (角川文庫)ホルモー六景 (角川文庫)
読了日:1月20日 著者:万城目 学
Mexican Contemporary (World Design)Mexican Contemporary (World Design)
読了日:1月12日 著者:Herbert Ypma
Recycled Spaces: Converting Buildings into HomesRecycled Spaces: Converting Buildings into Homes
読了日:1月12日 著者:Vinny Lee,Roy Main
老いの風景 本当の今日が流れてゆく老いの風景 本当の今日が流れてゆく
読了日:1月12日 著者:渡辺 哲雄
谷川俊太郎詩選集  1 (集英社文庫)谷川俊太郎詩選集 1 (集英社文庫)感想
Syuntaro Tanikawa's poets. His short and simple words came into my mind friendly, and then gave me thick and huge impact. Even poetry of loneliness took me to deep, calm and comfortable world. I love his “Twenty Billion Light Years of Loneliness”
読了日:1月10日 著者:谷川 俊太郎
読了日:1月8日 著者:津田 晃
