Can self help books actually, well, help? / 自己啓発本って、どうなの、実際?役に立つの?

What happens when a self-confessed cynic takes advise from a self help books? 
Is she able to be happier when she not only read self-help book but lives by it?
Happier existing? A healthy body? Better relationship?
Who could be?


I was just relax and enjoy reading magazine at the cafe.
By the way, please don't think I am very lazy and too relaxed person. I have excuse to often be at cafe, it is for studying English. Ok?
well.... The article is about challenge to live one week by sevral self-help books. Isn't it interesting?
Monday mission: Acts of kindness
Tuesday mission: Strengthening the mind body connection
Wednesday mission: Finding calm
Thursday mission: Cultivating confidence
Friday mission: Sharing the love
Saturday mission: Finding myself
"You deserve to feast on the uplifting and luxurious qualities of natural beauty - all day and every day.""I should treat my self to some flower." - advise from "Self Esteem Bible: 365 tips from the UK's number one confidence expert."
"If you are smiling, the brain thinks you are happy and the hypothalamus will respond accodingly, releasing endorphins. At some point you will suddenly feel the way you look; relax and happy."  - advise from "21Days to a New You." etc....
I does sounds like what self-help book would says, although I have never read these the self-help books that the auther use. I had only read the book written by Japanese auther and published in Japan. It seems like the self-help books written in both English and Japanese have sharing their common sense. I found it's interesting and little bit funny.

あ、ところで、私のことをのんびりしすぎな怠け者だと思ってもらっちゃこまるから、しょっちゅうカフェにいる言い訳をしておくと、これも英語の勉強のいっかんなんです。 OK?
「あなたはそのままで、ラグジュアリーに扱われるだけの価値のある女なの。一日中、毎日よ」「花のように自分自身をあつかうのよ」セルフエステームバイブル:イギリスのナンバーワン自己自信専門家の365の秘訣 からのアドバイス。
「もしあなたが笑顔をつくっていたら脳はあなたが幸せだって判断するの。視床下部が、エンドルフィンを放出して(…専門用語の英語ちょっと私にはよくわからないです)なんちゃらで。だからまずは笑顔をつくること。ある時点て突然あなたは、リラックス感と幸福感を感じるの、あなたが外からそう見えるようにあなた自身が感じるの。」新しいあなたになるための21日間 からのアドバイス。などなど

I suddenly felt someone's gaze and looked up. There was a little boy looking at me. His eyes shining and smile.  Somehow, he looks just so happy. He walked  and then fell down on the floor.  He seems just started walking these days. And he laughed out. He must be extremely happy.He was just so cute. I smiled naturally. The guy sitting next to me also looking atthis boy with smiling.

Here we go.
There was a boy who don't need self-help book.
He is naturally happy and can make someone's day a little more pleasant.



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