Write and draw straight honest journals -my daily life- on inside of myself. /自分自身に誠実に、まっすぐに書き、描くことで、日常を綴る。

"Your daily life is your temple and your religion. " Kahlil Gibran said.

Something I can not stop is writing and drawing. It seems necessary to pull out my feelings from my inside my mind and heart to out side by using words or images regularly. When I didn't write anything while, I felt something wrong and I was irritated. Writing and drawing become daily practice like washing teeth. At the moment, I'm usually handling 2-3 physical note books and 3 kind of blogs on the Internet. Each journals have different purpose and characteristic. I know it sounds too much, but don't worry. I don't have multiple personality or things like that. Variety of scenes of privacy and openness allow free out put to me. What language I use -Japanese, English or both- contribute to distinguish characters of each journal too.   These multiple place to draw or write down makes me comfortable to keep working.  It is just hard to stop working on my journals which start from when I was little kid. Wherever I out put my thought, feelings, note or images, I always try to write and draw straight honest.

This blog "Grape jerry as an architectural model" is most open to public and its has been intent to show more official side of me, as an architect, or designer. I haven't wrote down much about my private life neither my deep inside, except 'we are just kissing' written on 18th January 2012. The essay broke my rule though. I'm still not sure whether it was right choice or not. On the other hand, I believe that everyday life's role is very important component to construct my life, as well as my professional exploring. and when my message is based on my real words come from deep place, this esay possibly engaged with some people more strongly. 

The challenging of this blog is writing down as bilingual; both in English and Japanese. There are huge gap between my writing skill of English and Japanese. I often wrote this blog in English first, and then write Japanese translation, because it easier. My Japanese is  much richer than English. It is nearly impossible to translate my Japanese writing into English, because of much more Japanese vocabulary. As a result my Japanese essay on this blog become little bit poor than my pure Japanese essay. I wish my English writing level will catch up my Japanese writing someday. 

 These images are from my little journals, and it shows pieces of my life in these few weeks, almost one month. I will not write down any description of these images. I hope you can enjoy my hand drawing and writing without any explanation. have a look and enjoy.

Dear Kahlil
I agree on you from my bottom of my heart.
From Mako


  1. 初めまして。建築を志す大学生です。スケッチいつも楽しみにしています。日常の瞬間や思いを切り取ってさらりと表現できるなんて素敵ですね。私もたまに試みてみますが結構難しいです…。

  2. Akane Imai さん。はじめまして。コメントありがとうございます。スケッチブログを楽しんでもらえてるみたいで、なんだかうれしいです。毎日の、日記兼スケッチブックに向かうときは、ほんとにもー気楽にリラックスしてやってるので、うまくかけなくってもあんまり気にしてなくって。うまくやろうとか、がんばって、頭悩ませるのは大学の課題で十分というかなんというか。だからAkaneさんも、どうぞ気楽に、 なんてすすめてみたりして。
