"It was like a premonition."
"I have been thinking about meaning of becoming 40th since I was middle of 30. When I became over 40 years old, I would be able to do new things that I couldn't make it before. Of course, it is great. However, at the same time, I also had an anxiousness too. Instead of getting new ability or skills, I may lose things I now can handle quite easily. "
"I'm not afraid about getting old. There are nothing my fault. Everyone gets older. There is no other way. I did afraid I would not be able to achive thing that I have to achieve at that specific time. If I couldn't achieve it on sartain time, I would be disappointed. This is not a things I can say 'there is no way.' It my responsibility."
"This is one of my reasons to get out from Japan and go abrouad. I thought that I would just got older and older without achieving anything with busy daily life, if I had lived in Japan. I did worried I might lose something important through daily life. I wanted to grab vivid real time by my own hands. It seemed impossible to live with reality while I keep living in Japan. "
My vague haste or pressure could be explained clearly by these words above written in introduction of book "sounds of drum from far"- travel journal. If I put 30 instead of 40 into the sentence above, then the text would talking about exactly my feeling.When I was 21 years old, third year student of University, somehow I start to think "I should try my best to achieve something before I became 30 years old. I guess it would be terrible feeling to notice 'it is too late and I've missed best time.' I was living at small island by myself for one month holiday. Under the strong summer sun shine at southern island of Japan, I thought I should try everything I want to try before I became too old. Half a year after my island life, I was living at northern area of Japan, Hokkaido for one month internship at landscape architecture office. While I was walking on snowing road, my heart suddenly said "I should get out from Japan" strongly, without clear reason. I guess there might be a lot of reasons but most strong reason was just 'I believe I should do'. I believed that I had to go and live in oversea. I had left Japan more than 3 years ago and I'm still living in oversea.
"Important turning point is an age of 40 (30 for me though) . When we passing the point, we choose something to take for future and we should leave other things in past. It could be called as 'spiritual recombination'. You can not going back to take things you left after your recombination. You would be different person who can't be same person as you were at beyond the point of 40 (30). It's like a gear can only move to front but not to back. I was feel like so. It was vague image."
The author decided to leave Japan and lived in oversea 3years from his 37 to 40. During his 3years life in Europe, the author wrote 2long novels, "Norwegian Wood" and "Dance・Dance・Dance". These become really popular novels and was translated into several language. The author's name is Haruki Murakami. You might heard his name. I'm pretty sure you can find his book at book shop in Tasmania. (I found it.) I also have been working on something. My challenge might be really different from Haruki's one in terms of size and characteristic, but I'm quite serious as Haruki was. I haven't convinced my achievement so I have to keep working. I have something I want to keep trying little bit more.
この友人は哲学と言語学を専門とし、文学、詩、舞台の脚本に通じていて、自分でもよく文章を書いている、ほんとうに言葉を愛している人なのだ。この言葉の魔術師的な人と組んで二人で翻訳にとりくむことで質の高い翻訳を届けられると思う。私の英語はまだまだ完璧ではないので 。この友人は常にわたしに英語を教えてくれるし、よいものをつくりたい、いい仕事をしていきたいというクオリティー重視志向なところも同じで、だから一緒に仕事にとりくむことはものすごく自然なことだった。建築、デザインを専門とし、環境問題、哲学やアートにも興味がある私と 、哲学に突出していて、文学、詩、アートに強い友人だから、組んで続けていったら、ちょっと特殊なエリアの翻訳の仕事ができるようになると思っている。
I went to Cataract gorge for a walk. Walking to Duck Reach Power Station trough Trevallyn track which is little bit rough track, and walking developed promenade tail near by river to come back home. It was approximately two and half hours nice walk. Drinking a glass of water and taking shower made me refreshed. then I turned on computer.
This weekend, I had been working on translation with my friend. We sat down in front of computer with dictionaries and references and discussed about the sense and nuance of Japanese essay and Endlish essay. We spend quite a long time to read original text and re-produced in different language. Translating each paragraphs gave me a lost of lessons or surprising. It was really fun.
I think this my friend loves words as he is keen into poem play and literature. I believe we are able to create beautiful English translation with high quality. My English is not perfect yet, working with this friend is essential. He anyway always teach English to me, so I feel it is really natural to do translation work with him. Both of us have slimier mind about work; we always want to create or produce really nice and high quality things. I believe we will be able to do translation work in special and niche area, as he - who is good at philosophy and loves poem and literature, works with me -who's major is architecture and interested in art and environmental issues.
シェアハウスの共用エリアで珈琲を飲みながらハウスメイトたちとお喋りをする。この家には四人で住んでいるのだが、みんな私より年下だ。「年をとることは怖くはない。もっと怖いのはあるひとつの時期に達成されるべき何かが達成されないままに終わってしまうことだ」なんて村上春樹の言葉をかりてうそぶいてみたって、女として、(というとフェミニストはおこりそうだけども)やはり、女としてやっぱり少し気にはなる。大丈夫かな、わたし、こうやってまたひとつ年をとろうとしてるけど。推理小説家のアガサ・クリスティーが「考古学者の夫を持つことね。年を重ねれば重ねるほど、あなたに興味を持っていくわけだから。女にとっての最高の夫よ」と言ったらしい。実際、彼女は考古学者の夫がいたのだというから説得力もあるというもの。「ねぇ、わたしきっと素敵な考古学者(archaeologist)を探さなきゃいけないんだわ。そうしてその人と結婚する。」そういう私にハウスメイトはまじめな顔してこう言った「アーキオロジスト(Archaeologist 考古学者)いいかもしれないね。でも、そうだな、アーキオプトレックス(Archaeopteryx)はどうかな?真子にはいいと思うんだけどね」「アーキ…なんって言った?」グーグルでイメージ検索したらこんなのがでてきた。とんでもないハウスメイトである。
My birthday is coming soon. I will be one year older than current myself within few days. My heart is now pretty good mood in quiet and stable. I can feel there is some kind of core in my mind and it is quite strong. I feel I'm now in right truck and I just need to keep working hard on things I believe to do. To be honest, I can not say that I don't have any anxiety or impatience about my career, because it is not true. However, my heart condition is most stable and greatist condition to concentrate enhancing myself. It's good feeling.
I had a cup of coffee and chatted with my house mates at sharing area of our house. 4people shares this house and lives together, and I am the oldest one. Although, I think"I'm not afraid about getting old. I did afraid I would not be able to achive thing that I have to achieve at that specific time," at the same time, I afraid to get old as a women. If feminists read this sentence, they would critic my words 'as a women' though. Agatha Christie said " An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets, the more interest he takes in her." She did actually got married with archaeologist. "That's cleaver!" I thought. "Hey, I should find archaeologist as my future husband! " I talked to my housemates. He said to me with serious face"Archaeologist could be nice husband, but .... How about Archaeopteryx?" "Archa....what!?" I searched image of Archaeopteryx, and found this picture below. What a nice friend...
哲学好きな友人は恐竜マニアでもあるのだ。アーキオプトレックスはおいておいたとしても、こんな毎日が気に入っている。楽しいのだ。どこかでこの生活が永遠に続くわけじゃないと思っている。だからこそ、一瞬一瞬を大事にしたいし、今もっているものを精一杯に生かしきって自分を高めておきたい。貴重な人生の、貴重な時期、今この時期 、さーどう有効に使うのが一番 自分のポテンシャルを最大限に活用でき将来につながるのか 、と自分本位にわがままに真剣に考えたりするこのごろ 。
The friend who likes philosophy also likes dinosaur. I'm ot really keen into Archaeopteryx or any dinasaur, but it's fine. I quite like my current life. I'm really lucky to have such a nice moments as my life. On the other hand, I think such a great days can't be permanent. This my life style is not continue forever. That's why I want to treat each moment as a precious moment. and I should use every advantage which I now hold it, to enhance myself. I may be selfish person, but I'm always thinking about my life these days. What should I do now at here, for future myself?
I fond little red fruits on the way to come back home.I have never seen this fruits but somehow I feel familier with the plants. The leafs and the needles.... it must be rose. It is strange that I saw beautiful rose many times in my life, but I had no idea about fruits of rose. Our house also have a lots of rose at garden. I know the seasons of rose are now nearly finish, more than half of flowers has already fell to ground at our garden, however, I didn't know whether our rose have fruits or not. As soon as I came back home, I went to garden and had a look at rose. Tiny red fruits are there behind wilted flower and brown dried petals of withered. Efforts bear fruits. The fruits of rose are not really gorgeous like its flowers, but the cute fruits somehow cheered me up. well, it's not literally right, but I felt the fruits of rose cheer me up and said "you are doing well. Your life bear fruits soon, although it might be small ." When I imagine a lots of little fruits of my life, I feel so happy.