2012年に読んだ82の本/82 Books I have read in 2012.


読了日:12月18日 著者:こばやしゆう

■レトロ印刷の本 わら半紙、蛍光インク、ミシン製本…かわいくてアジがある印刷の楽しみ
読了日:12月18日 著者:手紙社

読了日:12月18日 著者:手紙社

読了日:12月17日 著者:俵 万智,一青 窈

■ブラッサイ やさしいパリ
読了日:12月6日 著者:パトリック モディアーノ,ブラッサイ

■木景療法: 樹木画による力動的治療
読了日:12月6日 著者:加藤 清,丸井 規博

■先生はえらい (ちくまプリマー新書)
読了日:12月5日 著者:内田 樹

読了日:12月5日 著者:林 真理子

■逆転思考 激動の中国、ぼくは駆け抜けた
読了日:12月5日 著者:加藤 嘉一

読了日:12月5日 著者:加藤 嘉一

■韃靼疾風録〈上〉 (中公文庫)
読了日:9月9日 著者:司馬 遼太郎

■深夜特急〈2〉マレー半島・シンガポール (新潮文庫)
読了日:8月21日 著者:沢木 耕太郎

■勝手にふるえてろ (文春文庫)
読了日:8月19日 著者:綿矢 りさ

■流星ワゴン (講談社文庫)
読了日:8月19日 著者:重松 清

■深夜特急〈1〉香港・マカオ (新潮文庫)
読了日:8月19日 著者:沢木 耕太郎

読了日:8月18日 著者:湊 かなえ

■エレファントム 象はなぜ遠い記憶を語るのか
'Elephantoms: Tracking the Elephant' written by Dr. Lyall Watson. sooo romantic! This fantastic and  spiritual essay is told with evolutionary biology and animal behavior, ethnography and South African history.  Is it scientific documentary or fiction?
読了日:8月17日 著者:ライアル・ワトソン

■開口閉口 (新潮文庫)
読了日:8月3日 著者:開高 健

■路上の視野〈3〉地図を燃やす (文春文庫)
読了日:7月28日 著者:沢木 耕太郎

■デミアン (岩波文庫)
I read Hermann Hesse's ‘Demian’ in Japanese translation. 戸惑いや、葛藤、精神の転換点に真正面から向き合っているような、どしんと重い一冊。
読了日:7月13日 著者:ヘルマン ヘッセ

■The Great Gatsby
I've just finish 'The Great Gatsby' in English. It is sad and beautiful ... damn! I hate my limited vocationally which is not good enough to explain my feeling. Anyway, I found I like Fitzgerald. グレイト・ギャツビーを原作の英文で読み終えた。初フィッツジェラルド。すごく好きだ。
読了日:7月7日 著者:F. Scott Fitzgerald

■続氷点 (下) (角川文庫)
Such a heavy dark and strong story.... This is a novel about forgiveness. I also feel the author's passion and challenges; it's not only 'how could people live happier by forgiving crimes?' 'What is the rightness?' but also 'what is the literally for?'
読了日:6月15日 著者:三浦 綾子

■続 氷点 (上) (角川文庫 (5072))
読了日:6月13日 著者:三浦 綾子

■The Accidental Billionaires: Sex, Money, Betrayal and the Founding of Facebook
The story that inspired the film 'the social network'.It's about the founding of Facebook. Real story of unrealistic life - interesting, exciting and painful-. I don't want such a life though. 映画ソーシャルネットーワークの原作、Facebookの創立にまつわるあれこれを英語で読んでみた。
読了日:6月9日 著者:Ben Mezrich

■ノマドライフ 好きな場所に住んで自由に働くために、やっておくべきこと
I dream to live in 2 or more places; my home town in Japan, somewhere in Australia (more?). This book;'contemporary nomadic life -what you need to do for living+working without being tied up to a place' helped me to know examples and explore possibility.
読了日:6月9日 著者:本田直之

■Across the River and into the Trees (Scribner Classic)
Finally I finished reading this Hemingway. It took 4months. I read too slow to enjoy whole as an one big story but, I did enjoyed its rhythmic dialogues. The book is like a patch work of dialogues for me.4ヶ月もかかってしまったがやっと読み終えた。英語でヘミングウェイ。小気味いいリズミカルな対話が印象的。
読了日:6月2日 著者:Hemingway

 "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" is an essay written by Haruki Murakami. All texts is literally about marathon that is important part of Haruki who is not professional runner but professional novelist. How deep the connection between running
読了日:5月23日 著者:村上 春樹

■1Q84 BOOK 3
読了日:5月17日 著者:村上 春樹

■ボクが医者になるなんて (幻冬舎文庫)
読了日:5月17日 著者:川渕 圭一

■道徳形而上学原論 (岩波文庫)
読了日:5月13日 著者:カント

■回転木馬のデッド・ヒート (講談社文庫)
読了日:5月13日 著者:村上 春樹

■回転木馬のデッド・ヒート (講談社文庫)
読了日:5月13日 著者:村上 春樹

■回転木馬のデッド・ヒート (講談社文庫)
"Sketches" that how he call his these kind of writing. It's not novel. Neither journal. It is sketches by words. I do like it so much. 「観月観世」という本を思い出させるところのある、それぞれの人の奇妙でおもしろい話。回転木馬の方がわたし好み。「スケッチ」と著者のよぶスタイルの文章がとても好きだ。「遠い太鼓」では説明無しにつかわれていた「スケッチ」に、ここにきてようやく納得
読了日:5月13日 著者:村上 春樹

読了日:5月12日 著者:内田樹

■左岸 上 (集英社文庫)
読了日:5月12日 著者:江國 香織

■右岸 上 (集英社文庫)
読了日:5月12日 著者:辻 仁成

■遠い太鼓 (講談社文庫)
読了日:5月6日 著者:村上 春樹

■遠い太鼓 (講談社文庫)
Travel journal by Haruki Murakami. It made me laugh out several times. It's interesting to know his real life during he was writing long novel. His well known novel "Norwegian Wood" was written in this 3 years travel around Europe.
読了日:5月6日 著者:村上 春樹

■親鸞(下) (講談社文庫)
exciting and thought provoking. Story of SHINRAN; one of the famous monks in Buddhism in Japan. Many people could sympathize with young Shinran's worries, disappointment, and question, although Shinran lived in 12 century,. I wan to read more...
読了日:4月23日 著者:五木 寛之

■親鸞(上) (講談社文庫)
読了日:4月22日 著者:五木 寛之

読了日:4月15日 著者:古市 憲寿

■海辺のカフカ (下) (新潮文庫)
読了日:4月14日 著者:村上 春樹

■My Venetian Sketchbook
I love this "sketchbook"! Her brush strokes are bold and rich. たっぷりとした感じ。おおらかで、豊かな感じ。きもちいい。
読了日:4月13日 著者:Isabelle De Borchgrave

■海辺のカフカ (上) (新潮文庫)
読了日:4月12日 著者:村上 春樹

■Birds of a Feather Shop Together: Aesop's Fables for the Fashionable Set
Stories are about girls and fashion that I'm not really interested in. However, I love this illustrations that are dynamic, rough, powerful and  beautiful. Somehow, I believe this style might be achievable. (Am I arrogant?) I'll learn from this book.Shoul
読了日:4月10日 著者:Sandra Bark

■タイニー・タイニー・ハッピー (角川文庫)
読了日:4月8日 著者:飛鳥井 千砂

■思想地図β vol.2 震災以後
読了日:4月7日 著者:東浩紀,津田大介,和合亮一,藤村龍至,佐々木俊尚,竹熊健太郎,八代嘉美,猪瀬直樹,村上隆,鈴木謙介,福嶋亮大,浅子佳英,石垣のりこ,瀬名秀明,中川恵一,新津保建秀

■神の子どもたちはみな踊る (新潮文庫)
読了日:4月6日 著者:村上 春樹

昨日の絵本「Rocks in head」に引き続きこの、ミシマ社のお話。出会うべきときに、出合うべき本を読む、そういうふうになっているんだなぁ。としみじみ。「たまたまとおりがかった」誰かが「一冊を偶然手に」し「あ、この本私のためにある…。」そんな奇跡が毎日どこかでおきている。そんな本をわたしもつくりたいな。そしてちゃんと、届くべき人のもとへ届けたい。「一冊入魂」「つくる・送る・届ける」
読了日:4月5日 著者:三島邦弘

■Rocks in His Head
What a beautiful story and lovely picture! I met this picture book at city library at perfect timing - today when I failed job interview. Librarian should display the book not only at kids area but also common area for all ages people!
読了日:4月4日 著者:Carol Otis Hurst

■しあわせのパン (ポプラ文庫)
読了日:4月4日 著者:三島有紀子

■そういうふうにできている (新潮文庫)
読了日:4月3日 著者:さくら ももこ

読了日:3月25日 著者:國分 功一郎

■葉桜の季節に君を想うということ (文春文庫)
読了日:3月9日 著者:歌野 晶午

■アフターダーク (講談社文庫)
読了日:3月8日 著者:村上 春樹

■ダブル・ファンタジー〈下〉 (文春文庫)
読了日:3月8日 著者:村山 由佳

■ダブル・ファンタジー〈上〉 (文春文庫)
読了日:3月8日 著者:村山 由佳

読了日:3月5日 著者:Alex Johnson

■指先の花―映画『世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ』律子の物語 (小学館文庫)
読了日:3月4日 著者:益子 昌一

■続・森崎書店の日々 (小学館文庫)
読了日:3月4日 著者:八木沢 里志

■砂の本 (ラテンアメリカの文学) (集英社文庫)
読了日:2月22日 著者:ボルヘス

It was better than my expectation. 思ったより良かった
読了日:2月22日 著者:伊集院 静,堂本 剛

■小悪魔蝶々 恋するカラダのつくり方 (だいわ文庫)
蝶々さんは素敵な方だろうと思っているんだけど…。夢にでてきました。悪夢でした。「ガーターベルトはスカートの下の飛び道具☆え?持ってないの?あなた女として終わってるわよ!」This book brought me nightmare. Although I do like the author -she is very charming and cheerful- and her other works, this "how to make loveable body" was little bit too
読了日:2月22日 著者:蝶々

■シー・シェパードの正体 (扶桑社新書)
読了日:2月13日 著者:佐々木 正明

■観月観世 或る世紀末の物語 (集英社文庫)
読了日:2月13日 著者:曽野 綾子

■台所のおと (講談社文庫)
読了日:2月13日 著者:幸田 文

読了日:2月7日 著者:小川 洋子・福住 一義

■マドンナ (講談社文庫)
読了日:2月7日 著者:奥田 英朗

読了日:2月7日 著者:奥田 英朗

読了日:2月7日 著者:田中 慎弥

■方法序説 (岩波文庫)
読了日:2月6日 著者:デカルト

読了日:2月6日 著者:適菜 収

■つぶやきのクリーム The cream of the notes
読了日:2月6日 著者:森 博嗣

■それからの海舟 (ちくま文庫)
読了日:2月1日 著者:半藤 一利

■The Prophet (Wordsworth Classics)
読了日:1月27日 著者:Kahlil Gibran

■おくりびと (小学館文庫)
読了日:1月11日 著者:百瀬 しのぶ

■99のなみだ・星―涙がこころを癒す短篇小説集 (リンダブックス)
読了日:1月9日 著者:

読了日:1月9日 著者:湊 かなえ

読了日:1月6日 著者:村上 春樹

■ノルウェイの森 上 (講談社文庫)
読了日:1月4日 著者:村上 春樹

読了日:1月3日 著者:田母神 俊雄

■サヨナライツカ (幻冬舎文庫)
読了日:1月3日 著者:辻 仁成



十二月に読んだ本リスト/My book list in December


読了日:12月18日 著者:こばやしゆう
レトロ印刷の本 わら半紙、蛍光インク、ミシン製本…かわいくてアジがある印刷の楽しみレトロ印刷の本 わら半紙、蛍光インク、ミシン製本…かわいくてアジがある印刷の楽しみ
読了日:12月18日 著者:手紙社
読了日:12月18日 著者:手紙社
読了日:12月17日 著者:俵 万智,一青 窈
ブラッサイ やさしいパリブラッサイ やさしいパリ
読了日:12月6日 著者:パトリック モディアーノ,ブラッサイ
木景療法: 樹木画による力動的治療木景療法: 樹木画による力動的治療
読了日:12月6日 著者:加藤 清,丸井 規博
先生はえらい (ちくまプリマー新書)先生はえらい (ちくまプリマー新書)
読了日:12月5日 著者:内田 樹
読了日:12月5日 著者:林 真理子
逆転思考 激動の中国、ぼくは駆け抜けた逆転思考 激動の中国、ぼくは駆け抜けた
読了日:12月5日 著者:加藤 嘉一
読了日:12月5日 著者:加藤 嘉一



Story of Rhubarb./ルバーブの物語


-hilbarn Recipe, October-


1 whole bunch rhubarb, roughly chopped
4 large golden delicious apples, peeled, cored & sliced

3/4 cup raw sugar
1/2 packet Marie (or Milk Arrowroot) biscuits, crushed
1 cup coconut
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup caster sugar
175g butter, melted
1 1/2 cups sour cream

1 Put apples, rhubarb and raw sugar in a large pot and place over medium heat, covering with a lid. Stir from time to time, and when fruit is mostly broke down, remove lid and turn heat down to low. Simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour until mixture is smooth and thick. 
2 Butter and flour a 28cm tart tin. Preheat oven to 180 C.  Put crushed biscuits, coconut, flour, caster sugar and butter in a bowl and combine well. Scoop out roughly half the mixture into the tin, spread it over the base and press it flat. Move around the sides of the tin pressing handfuls of the mixture to the edges. Cut around the top of the tin with a knife so the edge is no longer ragged and press a finger into the top of each scoop to smooth the surface. 
3 Put the base in the oven and cook for about 20 mins or until the sides are lightly browned. Spoon in the still-warm rhubarb,  leaving 0.5 - 1 cm of the pie shell showing at the top. Smooth the surface.
4 Put the sour cream in a bowl with a few drops of milk and stir until smooth. Pour it over the rhubarb and spread to edges. Sprinkle with cinnamon and place in oven for 10 - 15 minutes, until the sour cream sets and has a glazed appearance. 
5 Leave to cool to room temp before removing the rim of the tin and serving. 

Hil found this recipe in The Hungry Girls' Cookbook and  has cooked it a million times. 

I wanted to cook and taste Rhubarb yesterday, because I thought it would help drawing the illustration recipe of "Rhubarb Sour Cream Pie" for hilbarn. I had never cooked Rhubarb and I wasn't sure what it taste like. It was already 6:30pm when I went out shopping. Surprisingly, it's still blight outside and little flowers were blooming everywhere, so walking outside was not so bad. 
I went down to the supermarket in the city, but I couldn't find any Rhubarb. Why isn't Rhubarb here? I was so disappointed, as I walked down all the way from home to the supermarket on Friday evening!
I decided to not give up. I went to another supermarket to find Rhubarb  Unfortunately, the supermarket didn't have Rhubarb either! I was so disappointed. What can I do?

I didn't want to give up making Rhubarb pie that night. I was thinking "what could I use instead of Rhubarb? Celery as it has similar shape? Beatroot as it has a nice red colour?" When I was wondering around the vegetable section of the supermarket, one lady called my name "Hey Mako!!". She was the one who liked my exhibition at milkbar. We chatted while and then, I asked her "Do you think beetroot can replace Rhubarb in a sour cream pie?" She said "No way! It's sooo different. I have a rhubarb at my house. My partner likes taking care of our vege garden and cooking. Come to my house. I will give you fresh Rhubarb " "Really!? That's sounds really great. How kind you are!" I said. She gave me a lift to her house. Her partner and children were there and were friendly. We went to their garden and 
I got fresh Rhubarb!
どうしてもルバーブ・パイを今夜作りたい。と、諦めきれないわたしはルバーブの代わりになるような食材を探すことにした。見た目が似てるからセロリ?綺麗な赤い色をもつビートルーツ?スーパーの野菜売り場を歩き回っていたら、「ヘイ!マコ!」と突然声をかけられた。振り向くと、以前milkbarで行った展覧会でわたしのカフェスケッチを気に入ってくれた女性が立っていた。この小さな街では、知ってる人にしょっちゅう出くわすのだ。世間話をあれこれしてから、ふと「サワークリームパイを作ろうとおもってうんだけど、ビートルーツってルバーブの代わりとして使えるかしら?」と聞いてみた。すると「No way! ありえない! 」とのこと、「ビートルーツとルバーブは全然違うんだから。パイには使えないよ。ルバーブならわたしの家にあるわよ。裏庭で育ててるの。パートナーが料理とか家庭菜園の手入れをしたりが好きな男でね。うちにいらっしゃいよ。庭のルバーブ収穫して、新鮮なものを使いなさいな。」なんてありがたいこと。わたしの答えはもちろん「嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします。」で、そのまま一緒に買い物すませて、車に乗っけてもらってルバーブのあるお宅へ。にこにこしてて気さくなパートナーさんとこどもさんとみんなで庭に出て「これがルバーブだよ」って家庭菜園まで案内してもらって。そうしてついに、新鮮なルバーブを手に入れることができました!

So I cooked the pie following the recipe. It was really tasty.  My housemates and friends said they like the Rhubarb Sour Cream Pie. After we enjoyed tasting, then I made the illustration recipe on top of this journal. 
Thanks to the lady who took me to their vege garden and gave fresh rhubarb. That's why I like Tasmania.


Our House's Library and Shared Book Shelf./ハウス・ライブラリーとシェア本棚

This is our Shared Book Shelf at our house in Tasmania.

This is our house library with a huge book shelf and nice view through the balcony.
I love being here.

Our librarian often re-organize our book shelf when we got new books.
I learned it would be better to shut up and let him to work on our bookshelf, as he may has more idea of ideal book shelf than me.
The librarian knows and loves books a lot; literature, poetry, linguistic, philosophy dinosaur and more.
When you said what kind of books you like, or who is your favorite author, or how much English you can read -it is for English learner like me-, then he found a best book to read from the book shelf. 'You may like this author too.' Isn't it great to live with librarian?

There are some Japanese books which I bring into this book shelf. Unfortunately, I'm the only one reader of these books written in Japanese though.

わたしのもちこんだ日本語の本もちらほらと。 残念ながら日本語を読むのはこの家でわたしだけなんだけどね。

13th Oct, 2012.
I think I have to start packing books... I actually started moving books from the book shelf to the box 2 Days ago. However, I couldn't keep working on it, because it made me so sappy. "What am I doing?" "My books are removed from book shelf. Oh no."I was about to cry. Tears nearly dropped. I'm a very sappy person.
Our share house has a library which is my favorite place in this house. There is a huge book shelf on the wall and it was fulled with various books. It's a shared bookshelf.
This is my first experience to share a bookshelf in my whole life. It is really interesting to see what kind of books each person reads. There used to be a surfing, Indonesian and south&middle east Asian section, when Danny lived here. I guess it will come back soon with Danny. I think Mickey Rhuberb will live come back from his travel and live here again with his books. I guess there must be Borges. I won't be there. My books won't be there. Architecture books, recipes, and Japanese books will removed soon when I move out.


I had to chose few books to post to Japan, as it will be too expensive to send all of my books.
They are so heavy.


Memories of the Junction Arts Festival 2012 to come flooding back.

One month has already past after the joyful and playful Junction Arts Festival 2012. Did you have a good time at the festival? Yes, you did. Let's look back the festival with Mako's sketches.

Party: 5th October 17:00-19:00
Sushi-Bonza in Centerway archade Launceston.
Exhibition: 4TH October - 15th October

Mako have a mountain of sketches of Junction Arts Festival. She actually created 121 images for the Festival! Some of images will be displayed at 'Sushi Bonza' at Centerway Arcade in Launceston city from Wednesday, 4th October to Monday, 15th October.

You are invited to the nice and warm opening party on Friday evening, 5th October. Come along and have a look images of Junction Arts Festival this year, and enjoy music, poetry and food.
Yummy Japanese finger foods are provided (gold coin donation is appreciated). BYO with no charge.


Hilbarn's Fresh Recipe Project./ヒルバーンの「新鮮なレシピ」プロジェクト

Hilbarn's weekly recipe is our new project.
The hand writing and drawing illustration recipe is delivered with fresh vegetable every week.

Hilban is 'Sharing love of fresh Tasmanian Produce.'
Hil and Barn lives in north east Tasmania.
They  buy directly from growers and farmers and deliver it to your town directly.
"We source produce from smaller growers who are passionate about what they do, as well as from larger farmers who appreciate our efforts to maintain the freshness of what they produce - picking up produce from them, then packing and delivering fresh to you within as short a timeframe as possible. "

She doesn't know what kind of vegetable she would have. As soon as she receive vegetable and fruit, Hilary cook one dish out of the ingredients which she pack into the box to deliver. My role is to turn the yummy recipe into hand writing and drawing card. Hilbarn packed everything on Sunday and we can receive it on Monday in Launceston. So this is real food's real recipe which is created absolutely freshly every week. 

This is the Hilbarn box filled with fresh vegetable, fruits and the fresh recipe! 
I'm very excited to open the box,  like opening birthday present.

There are the recipe and a list of their fresh products.
October week 1, the box include;
New Season Pink Eye potatoes (Penguin)
dill(s-f) (Northdown)
carrots (Scottdale)
silver beet (Campania)
cauliflower (Lower Barrington)
lettuce (Northhown)
apples (Hillwood)
cherry tomatos (Turners Beach)
-certified organic(o), grown organically(go), freshcare(f),  spray-free(s-f).
有機栽培認定されたものには(o)マークが、有機栽培で育てられたものには(go)、フレッシュケア(f) 、スプレーフリーつまり無農薬のものに(s-f)
It's a lot!

I actually cooked this week's recipe 'Roasted Cauliflower & Herb Salad' yesterday.

'Put cauliflower florets on oven tray lined with baking paper. Drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper. Bake for about 15 mins. until browned. Take out and turn cauli over to brown other side. Remove and set aside. '

 'To make the dressing: put 2 tablespoons capers, roughly chopped, 1 tablespoon whole grain mustard, 2 cloves garlic, crushed and 2 tablespoons cider vinegar in a jam jar. Set aside for 15 mins. Add oil, shake up, then add salt and pepper. '



Other ingredients are
10 cherry tomatoes, halved
handful of torn lettuce
1 tablespoon dill, chopped
1 tablespoon chives, chopped
You can find this in this week's Hilbarn box.

'Put cauliflower, tomatoes, lettuce, dill and chives in a large bowl. Add dressing, gently toss and serve.'

プチトマト10個 半分に切って
ディル (ハーブ。生のものがおいしい)を大匙1杯分くらい刻んで
チーブス (あさつきによく似た西洋の葱)も大匙1杯分くらい刻む


It's really tasty salad.
Roasted cauliflower works really well with the dressing and fresh herbs.
The cherry tomatoes are sweet and yummy.
I like it so much!

I think it is lovely to have nice and safe ingredient and freshly made recipe every week.
This image below is last week's recipe. "Peppery Spring Salad".

This is one of the most fun and happy job in my life!

VIsit Hilbar website for more information.
Hilary has wrote a book "A Story of Seven Summers". Check the book here.


TRANSLATIONS - Live. Art. Music. Poetry./絵と音楽と詩のライブイベント" TRANSLATIONS"へのご招待。

Live. Art. Music. Poetry.

at fresh
178 Charles St, Launceston, Tasmania

We will have a live event this coming Wednesday. You are invited to the event, " TRANSLATIONS" A night of live art, music and poetry at Fresh on Charles! It's coming soon!
Mako-me!- will be delighting the stage with her improvised painting of a large stage canvas that translates the poetry and music that Daniel Spinks, Jade Ulani, Nina Bok and Elliot Courtnage have written.

絵と音楽と詩のライブイベント" TRANSLATIONS"へのご招待。

I'm going to introduce our lovely member of the night with portraits by Mako. 

Jade Ulani Young and Nina Bok who are beautiful musicians will play and sing inspiring music. Jade create amazing original songs, even more she create surprising own 'umbrella  instrument!' for the "TRANSLATIONS". The umbrella instrument is actually quite good looking and outsource sounds pretty.You should peel your eye on the new instrument. 
Jade and Nina has been introduced on Buzz Magazine Australia; "the boatshed was filled with flutes, guitar, rain maker and thunder drum goodness from the wonderful Jade and Nina duo." 

ジェイドとニナのオリジナルの音楽は「インスパイアリング」、彼女らの音楽のもつ物語の世界にひき込まれてしまい、その世界の色を想像しないではいられないかのような。作曲を担当するジェイドは音楽だけじゃなく、楽器まで自分で作っちゃうんです。今回の「TRANSLATIONS」のために特別に「umbrella  instrument 傘楽器」をつくりあげました。見た目がすごく可愛らしいの。もちろん音もだけど。この楽器を見にだけでも来る価値ありなくらい。
さて、ジェイドとニナは、最近「Buzz Magazine Australia」に紹介されました。「the boatshed was filled with flutes, guitar, rain maker and thunder drum goodness from the wonderful Jade and Nina duo.」

Elliot Courtnage will collaborate with Jade and Nina duo at the "TRANSLATIONS".
Elliot who has a charming smile is a very popular musician in Tasmania. He often play music as a member of  "Thieves"; seven piece folk band.
Check out the website of triple J unearthed which introduced Thieves.  "From the edge of the Earth comes a new seven piece folk band, that has come out from under the rocks of the pristine streams of Tasmania, shaking themselves dry, stringed instruments in hand, and foolishness of heart as a guiding factor."
今回の "TRANSLATIONS"ではジェイドとニナのドュオに、エリオットが参戦します。笑顔の魅力的なエリオットはタスマニアで人気のミュージシャンの一人。普段は"Thieves"という七人組フォークバンドの一員として活動しています。"Thieves" についてはトリプルJのウェブサイトに紹介されているので、ぜひウェブサイトをチェックしてみてね。

Daniel is Launceston's emerging poet. His official major is philosophy and his another professions are literature and linguistics (sometimes wrestling). Can I call him a master of words.
At the "TRANSLATIONS", Daniel will be reading poems from 'Cigarette Meditations', Which is a self-published work, consisting of a dozen poems, plus images. Poems by Daniel Spinks, Images by Mako. The book will be available for purchase on the night.
今回の"TRANSLATIONS"ではダニエルは詩を朗読する。リズムよく流れるように朗々と読み上げられる詩は、ダニエルとわたしでつくった詩集'Cigarette Meditations(たばこ瞑想)'からの抜粋。

And Mako. That's me. I'm going to "TRANSLATE" all of those talented  people's music and poet into paint!

Jade's Origami Master

Elliot from Thieves.
Here is Thieves's Marrawah

Now, I'm looking forward to see you at "TRANSLATIONS" at fresh on Wednesday!
See you soon!

More information:
Visit our facebook event page. "TRANSLATIONS"

About "Cigarette Meditations"

Visit website of 'Buzz Magazine Australia' to see the article about Jade and Nina.  http://buzzmagazine.com.au/category/music/musicelectronicdance/

About "Thieves", Elliot's band

fresh on Charles


The live painting performance.

The photo of our performance at Multicultural Night in Launceston Tasmania.

Music: Froggyantbear Catty
Painting: Mako

The live painting performance is totally improvisation. I didn't know what he would play, until we stand on the stage. My paintings are inspired by music and also surrounding  scenery and crowd.
The only thing we were sure was "the performance would to have a sense of Japanese culture", due to the event; Multicultural Night wanted to have Japanese something. There are no so many Japanese in Launceston and the community/uni often look for Japanese people to contribute to their events. 
Froggyantbear Catty plays Japanese traditional bamboo fruit called 'Shakuhachi', although he is not Japanese. The sounds of his Shakuhachi was really beautiful. I prepared Japanese calligraphy ink and blush. The calligraphy brush, 'Toyohashi-fude' was made in traditional way by master's hand in my home town Toyohashi.   

I like live painting performance. It gave some kind of nice pressure on me. I had to listen music carefully, I need to finish painting in short time, and it have to be beautiful. I hoped some people had found connection of audience themselves and connection of the music they heard.  

I had done 3 performance with him these one year.
I now have a plan to do live painting performance with other musicians and poet!
I'm so excited!     

この写真は、マルチ・カルチャル・ナイトというイベントで行ったライブ・ペインティング・パフォーマンスの様子。 Froggyantbear Cattyの音楽に合わせて即興で絵を描きました。舞台に立つまで、どんな曲を演奏するまで全く知らない、完全にアドリブの大勝負、な感じです。音楽から得たイメージと、イベントの様子、観客の人たちの熱気とかそういうものを絵に反映させていきます。
事前に分かっていたことといえば、日本っぽくすること。アバウトですが、「日本の伝統的な要素を持った舞台をなにかよろしく」とイベント実行委員会の方から言われていたので、Froggyantbear Cattyは尺八を、わたしは書道につかう墨と筆を用意しました。ちなみに筆は、私の地元の伝統工芸品である「豊橋筆」をつかっています。

こんなパフォーマンスをFroggyantbear Cattyと二人、この一年で三回行いました。


Behind the TV commercial. -Mako's first TVad project./初めてのテレビコマーシャル

My sketches became an animation for a TV commercial for Junction Art Festival with a soundtrack by Noah Symons of Great Earthquake, and produced by Cheese House Productions. I believe that it captures the lively, happy atmosphere of the Festival.  I hope that many people see the lovely TV commercial and will like it.

I have been so excited to work for on the TV commercial because this is the first time I’ve done a project like this and it’s also the first time I’ve done collaborative work. Alison and Laura from Junction Arts Festival, Cheese House Productions and I had our first meeting in a beautiful room with gorgeous chandelier at the Junction Arts Festival office in Albert Hall. Everyone seemed excited and had lots of ideas for the commercial.

After the meeting, I was given a long list of images to draw. Specific and iconic buildings of Launceston were required as well as the images of art projects in the Festival. I drew the Clock Tower, gate of City Park, Albert Hall and so on. I know these buildings well as I have been living in Launceston for three and a half years, however, my memory was not clear enough to draw these buildings, so I decided to go out to the city. I walked around the city with my sketchbook, and drew its scenery and buildings. I had a coffee break and did more sketches of the city and people at a cafe. In the end, I drew and painted a lot of images for the commercial.  There is a mountain of art pieces in my room.

Since drawing all these sceneries and people of Launceston, I felt that I'm more connected to city.
I believe that the animation create a good feel about Launceston as well as Junction Art Festival.
Please check our TV commercial.  You will like it.

わたしのスケッチがアニメーションになり、フェスティバルのテレビコマーシャルとして放映されています。Great EarthquakeのNoah Symonsさんの音楽と、Cheese House Productionsさんのお力により、賑やかでハッピーな楽しいものにしあがりました。たくさんの人の目に触れて、愛されるコマーシャルになってくれたらいいなと思います。

これがわたしにとって初めてのテレビコマーシャルのプロジェクトにして、はじめてのグループでのお仕事。フェスティバル側から AlisonとLaura、Cheese House Productionsさんに私。アルバートホール二階の、豪華なシャンデリアが輝く部屋にて会議。みんなわくわくしてて、たっくさんのアイディアを持っていて会議は大盛りあがり。




Lemons are Back!/ レモンの季節がやってきた!

Spring has came to this little town; Launceston, Tasmania.

One sunny day, my house mate Jay made a lovely lemon crape for me, after we went out for walk.
It was really lovely day.
I baked a lemon cheese cake another day.
Fresh lemon smells and taste really beautiful.

The balcony at our house is one of the most beautiful place to have an afternoon tea.


The sketches for the Internet use.

You now can find my sketches on cover pages of several facebook pages.


Hilary Burden


The Embers

These images has been edited for the internet use. 
I'm very happy that people like my images and use it for their facebook pages.


"Mako × Cafe -Little drawings of cafes in Launceston."

"Mako × Cafe -Little drawings of cafes in Launceston."

Place     Milkbar, 139 St John St, Launceston
Date      from Monday 10th September
              Portrait session: Thursday 20th September 14:00-16:00

"Mako is often found in cafes about town, drawing what she sees in Launceston's cafe scene, and now you can see a selection of her pictures at the café Milkbar.
These delicate pen drawings have been chosen from a mountain of Mako’s sketchbooks. She has walked around Launceston with her sketchbook, finding comfortable and beautiful places, having coffee at cafés and drawing people while they relax and enjoy their time. In the great amount of time that she has spent in cafés since she came to Launceston in 2009, she has developed a great love of the café culture here. Guess how many cups of coffee she has had in these 3 and a half years? You can share Mako’s experiences in Launceston’s cafés at this exhibition.
Mako will be at Milkbar on Thursday, September 20th, from 2 - 4pm, holding a portrait session. So come along and you can come and have Mako do a portrait of you! Bring your friends, your kids, your lover, yourself!"

Introduction from Daniel Spinks
"Mako's love of spending her free time wandering the streets of Launceston and relaxing in cafés drinking good coffee and drawing is evident in these sketches. Further, these drawings demonstrate Mako's lifestyle. Thus, these pictures simultaneously reflect the life of this particular artist, and are a reflection of the city – and the culture of the city - in which she lives. The resulting creation, in which she has poured her own lifestyle, and which reflects her surroundings, is 'Mako x Café: Little Drawings of Cafés in Launceston'. (Daniel Spinks)"

Milkbar introduced me on thir website
"Mako has her beautiful sketches, featuring Launceston cafes, on display at Milkbar at the moment. Come and check them out, they are super cute! She will also hold an informal portraits session here on Thursday 20th Sept, from 2 - 4pm. Bring your family and or friends along to have a small portrait sketch done for just $25. x
Here are some drawings she has done of Milkbar :D "

There will be the works from the book 'Cigarette Meditations' at milkbar too. 
The paintings are from 'Cigarette Meditations' which consists of a dozen poems by Daniel Spinks, plus images by Mako.

Introduction to ‘Images of Cigarette Meditations’ by James Archer 
"As I view Mako’s work, I feel like an intruder in another’s dream, yet I am completely comfortable at peace. Her work is haunting, yet comforting, she possesses a rare ability; her eye portrays a beautiful interpretation of the surrounding environment, yet the viewer cannot escape the fragility of life, constantly reminded by chaotic splashes of ink, coupled with settling tones. Cigarette Meditations provides you with a key to the door that unlocks an insight into the chaotic dream that is the poetry of Daniel Spinks and the artwork of Masako Morita.(James Archer)"

Come along to milkbar and have a look my works.

more information :


8月に読んだ本リスト/My book list in August.


深夜特急〈2〉マレー半島・シンガポール (新潮文庫)深夜特急〈2〉マレー半島・シンガポール (新潮文庫)
読了日:08月21日 著者:沢木 耕太郎

勝手にふるえてろ (文春文庫)勝手にふるえてろ (文春文庫)
読了日:08月19日 著者:綿矢 りさ

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読了日:08月19日 著者:重松 清

深夜特急〈1〉香港・マカオ (新潮文庫)深夜特急〈1〉香港・マカオ (新潮文庫)
読了日:08月19日 著者:沢木 耕太郎

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エレファントム 象はなぜ遠い記憶を語るのかエレファントム 象はなぜ遠い記憶を語るのか
'Elephantoms: Tracking the Elephant' written by Dr. Lyall Watson. sooo romantic! This fantastic and spiritual essay is told with evolutionary biology and animal behavior, ethnography and South African history. Is it scientific documentary or fiction?
読了日:08月17日 著者:ライアル・ワトソン

開口閉口 (新潮文庫)開口閉口 (新潮文庫)
読了日:08月03日 著者:開高 健
