Wooden Boat Rally 2012 held at Seaport Marina Launceston, Tasmania on beautiful sunny Sunday bring me two fantastic meetings. It was a day of gift!
よく晴れた気持ちのいい日曜日、タスマニアはロンセストンの港、シーポートで開催された「Wooden Boat Rally 2012/木製ボートラリー2012」というイベントは、私に素敵な出会いをしかも二つも運んで来てくれました。まさにギフトのような一日!
Because of my friend talked about "how great wooden boat festival is" several times these days, I was keen in this event and went out with my sketch book. Seaport Marina was clouded by all generations of people and a lots of different type of beautiful wooden boats. "Rally entrants included rowing skiffs, splendid steam powered launches, speed and motor boats, sailing craft large & small, beautifully built new and old dingies... (from website of Wooden boat rally)" I had no idea about boat engineering, history neither how to play with boat, however, it was really fun to have a look through all wooden boats. The boats were just so beautiful.
それというのも、友達が「木製ボートラリーのイベントって、すっごいんだぜ!最高だよ!」ってしつこいくらい、なんどもなんども繰り返し言うものだから、私もそんなに素敵なの?って興味を持ちはじめて、出かけてみることにしたんです。スケッチブックをもって。1月22日のことね。シーポートはすごく賑やかで。ちっちゃいこどもからお年寄りまであらゆる世代の人と、たっくさんのきれいなボートがひしめきあっていた。ウェブサイトの言葉を借りると、「一人乗り用の小型船(rowing skiffs)、蒸気駆動の豪華なボート、スピードモーターボートなど、新しい船から古いものまで、大型船も小型船も。」私はボートに関する知識なんてまったく持ち合わせてなくって。ボートの技術的なことも、歴史的なことも、それからどんな風にボート遊びを楽しむのかも分からないけど、それでも、これだけたくさんの違う種類のだけどすべて木製のボートを見てまわるのは本当に楽しかった。ただただボートがきれいで。
When I was into sketching boats and people, I was very relaxed and happy as usual. Sketching the scenery is a kind of meditation to me. The owners of the boats seemed also relaxed and happy. They were really proud of their boats and told me stories of the boat. Each boats have their own name, history and stories. "Show us your sketches!" The owners smiled to me when they saw their boat and themselves in my sketch book, and some of them gave me their signature. The above is an boat named 'S.L LADY LYN.' The owner wrote down information of this boat "Huon Pine 90 Length 66 Beam Steam Powered"as well as his name. We were both happy and smiled together. Sketch book often helps communicate with people - especially new faces, that is why I love to go out with sketch book.
As soon as I finished a sketch and stand up to move next place, one guy came and talked to me. He said "Excuse me, I was watching while you. You draw really fast. Can I have a look your sketch book, if you don't mind?" I passed my sketch book to him and answered "Sure! Feel free to pour pages. " I'm always quite happy to see people enjoy looking my works. He went through whole sketch book quickly and asked me "Are you interested in to come next year's Wooden Boat Rally as an artist? People would love to see you draw their boats during event. Your sketches are good and you draw it really fast. By the way, I'm organising this event." What an exciting it is! My answer was "Of course, Yes! I am interested in your plan! I'm looking forward to come back here to draw boats next year!"
スケッチに夢中になっている間はいつも、すごくリラックスしててなんだか幸せなきもちでいられる。メディテーョン、瞑想のようなものなのかもしれない。ボートのオーナーたちもなんだか、リラックスしてて幸せそうだ。自分のボートに誇りをもっていて、いろんな話を聞かせてくれる。全てのボートには名前がついていて、それぞれが歴史と物語をもっている。「ちょっと見せてくれない?どんな風に描いたの?」自分の船と、それから自分自身を私のスケッチブックの中に見つけると、ボートのオーナーは笑顔をみせてくれ、それから絵にサインをいれてくれる人もいた。上のえんじ色が可愛いボートの名前は'S.L LADY LYN.' オーナーは名前と一緒に船についても書いてくれた。ヒュオンパイン(木材の名前タスマニアでしか育たない樹。)、長さ99、幅66、蒸気駆動。オーナーも私もどちらもなんだか幸せで笑顔になった。スケッチブックは人とコミュニケーションをするのに役立つ、特に見知らぬ初対面の人と楽しい時間を過ごすのには最適。だから、こうやって、スケッチブックを片手にお出かけするのがやめられないんです。
Another gift of day is meeting with lovely music and musician; Samuel Bester.
His guitar and his voice were really suit on this perfect sunny Sunday. I just love the music so much, although I had no idea what genre is this and what does the lyrics mean. I'm not professional about music at all, however, I know this music was really good with my feeling and atmosphere of Wooden Boat Rally. I decide to sitting close to him. Having light meal, a cup of coffee and drawing him. During he was singing, he smiled to audience. He sometimes look at me and smiled too. His eye was warm and beautiful.
The miracle was happened! When he finished singing, he came to me with that beautiful smile! "Hey! Did you draw me? Can I have a look?"
Samuel Bester said he likes my drawings and interested in my little book which I made in December. The book is collaboration of my drawings and Mickey's poem. We promised to see evening again and swap his CD and my book, and then he went back to his performance. Such a great meeting! I have a feeling that we can be friends!
To tell the truth, I was little bit curious whether he really will contact to me although he asked my phone number. He is professional musician and sing amazingly. On the other hand, I'm not really professional artist or designer yet.
I think it's miracle!
He appeared and gave me his 2 CDs and changed to my book.
He gave me his sign on his CDs and I wrote my sign on my book. I was so excited!
This Sunday was day of gift!
I'm lucky to have these two nice meetings, and
I decide to continue going out with my sketch book all the time!
Samuel Bester