It's time to talk about whaling./捕鯨について話す時がきたよ

I tried to prepared myself to face the discussions such as whaling, when I decide to go out from Japan. I thought these causing big trouble between Japan and other countries, and could cause some trouble on my life in over sea.  Therefore, knowing about issues and talking carefully would be highly important to me. Before I left Japan, I had read several essays to prepare my life in over sea.

I don't want to say that "I'm just me, Mako, individual person but not belong to anything". I'm not just only me. I want to be Mako who born in Japan. I'm happy to be Mako who had been grown up by my family, friends and community in Japan. I'm proud of it. Therefore, if anyone came from other country ask question about Japan to me as a Japanese girl, I would like to talk honestly (as long as the person is honest to me). I don't want to say "I have no idea,"" I don't want to talk"  or "don't ask me", although the person criticize "Japanese".

It's time to talk about whaling issue.
One of my class mate is going to research whale/Whaling as her final project for master course of architecture.  To be honest, I'm quite excited. I don't know why I'm excited but I'm looking forward to see what she will do, what she will say and what she will design at the end of this year. If she want to know Japanese point of view or my point of view, I'm happy to answer any questions. Sharing researches or essays what I can get is welcome. Actually, there are some interesting essays or articles written by Japanese. I guess translating some of the researches or essays from Japanese to English might be helpful for her project. It could be good on me to prepare further discussion in English as well. I would like to write my opinion reflect on both of my experiment and academic readings. The series essay about whaling will be written soon. (I hope so...)

It's time to talk about whaling issue.







また 頭がくらっとしそうだった。




MONANISM at MONA in Tasmania

12th Feburary
I visited MONA; new museum in Hobart, Tasmania.
The museum was just opened 21st January, 2011.

MONA; Museum of Old and New Art

ground floor 
Warm reddish brown of the iron rust and cool blue of the water show lovely harmony.
The building design, the landscape design and the scenery work pretty well. 

Look down the bar on B3 from B1 deck
The sand rock which appeared by having grubbed ground is beautiful.
This building design use the power of the beauty of the nature.

This waterfall is one of the artworks for MONANISM exhibition. 
Julius Popp's Bit.fall drops several words each second.
It is most impressive and lovable work  to me.
Most of other artworks are interesting but quite disgusting 
because they are too erotic and violence.
It is like a sex and death gallery.
After I had seen a lot of woman's genitals and spouting blood,
this waterfall saved my emotion and gave me fresh air.
Julius PoppさんのBit.fallは、数々のことばを水滴として落とすもの。

Everyone have iPhone on their hand, some of them put ear phone in this museum.
It's new museum scenery.... isn't it? 

At the entrance of MONA, visitors are given iPhon and headphone. 

GPS find where you are, and which art work you are facing.
Then the screen show the information of the art work.

We can listen about the art work as well.

I think it is worth to visit MONA.
I recommend  you to have a experiment of MONA.


Colorful and peaceful

In the morning on the sunny warm day.


Pulp mill issue; Tasmanian forest and Japanese toilet paper./パルプミル問題;タスマニアと日本のトイレットペーパー

Have you ever heard that Tasmanian forest is consumed as a toilet paper in Japan?

Logging company and some of the residence have been arguing in Tasmania,
while I have used toilet paper without any worries in Japan.
Isn't it shocking information?

Logging industry seems important income of Tasmania as well as the mining industry. It may makes this argument complicated.
Especially the pulp mill issue might be the conflict that has been going on in Tasmania for far very long.


Pulp mill issue.
I think it is one of the biggest issues discussing in Tasmania.
Pulp mill, Gunns; name of the company, and John gay who is ex-top of the company. These words often appeared on the local news paper since I came to Tasmania in February 2009. Although Gunns seems major employer of Tasmania, some of residents and environmentalists have been objecting the company.  Through news paper I also knew that the main trading partner of Gunns has been Japan. The hand-out I found in Launeston says that more than 80% of Gunns' wood chip is exported into Japan. Approximately two third of Gunns' product is bought by Nihon-seishi company and Ooji-seisi (nepia) company. I know nepia. I guess most of Japanese know it too. It might be one of the popular brand of the tissue and toilet paper in Japan. These information suggest that there are a relation between the big discussion in Tasmania and Japanese toilet paper. I would like to know what's going on. As I am Japanese living in Tasmania, I may need to know. 25th November 2010, I visit Gunns office when the company's annual meeting was held. I also attended the public meeting at Tailrace convention center on 1st December 2010.  I would like to tell you what I have seen, listened and thought.

9am, 25th November 2010
When I arrived in front of Gunns company, I saw the banner says 'DROP THE MILL.
The crowd with placard and instrument shouted "no pulp mill! no pulp mill!", again and again.
The mill protesters had prepared demonstration before Gunns meeting start.

There were many people regardless of age or sex. The kids came with parents. The elderly came with sticks and chairs. 
ガンズ社の前に訪れた私は「ドロップ ザ ミル」と書かれた横断幕を目にした。
プラカードと鳴りものを手にした群衆が「ノー パルプミル!ノー パルプミル!」と何度も叫んでいるのが聞こえた。パルプミルに反対する人々はガンズの総会がひらかれる前に、抗議デモの準備をしていた。老若男女とわず、様々な人が集まっていた。小さな子どもは両親と一緒に来ており、お年寄りは杖と椅子を持参して参加していた。
The elderly lady sitting on the chair is nearly 80 years old. She has been against the pulp mill more than 6 years. I said to the lady, "May I take your photo?" She asked me "What is it for?" She said that "if you will use photos to tell the message to your friend in Japan, my answer is Yes."  She added "I'm too old to visit Japan though." Then she smiled. Her smile made me relax. She told me that she loves Tamer valley and want to protect it. She is a member of TAP; Tasmanian Against Pulp mill. I promised her that I would use photos to tell people what's going on in Tasmania. Then I released a shutter. 
椅子に座っている年配の女性は80歳ちかくだそうだ。彼女は六年以上パルプミル反対運動をしているという。「写真を撮ってもいいですか?」と私が聞いたら、「何の為の写真?」と聞き返された。そうして「もしあなたが、日本にいる友達にメッセージを伝えるために使うのだったら、答えはイエスよ。」と。「日本を訪ねるには私は少し年をとりすぎているからね」と言って彼女は笑った。おかげで私は少しリラックスした。タマーバリーのことが好きなのよ、だから守りたいのと彼女は言った。彼女はTAP(タスマニアン アゲンスト パルプミル)のメンバーだ。タスマニアで何がおこっているのかを伝える為に写真を使うことを約束し、私はシャッターを切った。

People from wilderness society act group appeared in marine animal costume. Penguins, turtles, dolphins, sharks and poseidon; king of the ocean,  dropped down on the ground, when men wearing suit and masks  squirted them with water pistols. The water pistols was tagged as dioxin. It was like short drama which represent clear simple message. One member explained to me that water pollution could be caused by the pulp mill. I think it wasn't difficult to know their intention without explanation. TV cameras and reporters came and started interview. 
ワイルダネス ソサイエティ アクト グループの人々は海の動物のコスチュームを身にまとって現れました。ペンギンに、カメ、イルカ、サメ、海の王様ポセイドン。スーツにマスクの男達が水鉄砲をかけると、海の動物たちはバタバタと地面に倒れました。水鉄砲にはダイオキシンの文字。シンプルで明快なメッセージを伝える寸劇のようでした。メンバーの一人が私に、パルプミル工場による水質汚染が懸念されていると説明してくれました。でも説明がなくても、彼らの意図を知ることはそんなに難しくないと思う。テレビカメラとリポーターがやってきてインタビューをはじめました。

Greg L'Estrange; newly appointed managing director of Gunns, walked through between the crowd.
The action's of against group got heat up.
"No pulp mill! No pulp mill! No pulp mill!" People chorused and shouted.
Sounds of percussion and pipe was getting louder. Someone exploded something like fire crackers.
One of the protester shouted "SHAME!!" One member of Gunns shouted "GET A JOB!".
To tell the truth, I felt overawed from the excitement.
The reason might be it's my first experiment to face demonstration.
最近新しくガンズ社のマネージングディレクターとして指名されたばかりの グレッグ氏が現れ人混みの中を歩いてくると、抗議団体の言動も加熱してきました。
「ノー パルプミル!ノー パルプミル!ノー パルプミル!」の大合唱。

I could only be outside of the building where Gunns held meeting, so I read newspaper; "The Examiner"and "The Mercury" to know what has been discussed.
To be honest, I'm disappointed that the newspapers mainly discussed about money. The article talk about economical effect of this logging company. I don't think economy is what all we should care about, although I know that we should consider about economy to support our daily life. I guess that  the readers as residents would care about economic effect of the Gunns company as it may effect their life directly. At the same time, residents may care about pollution or environmental issues as it may have negative impact on their health. For example, me who like to eat seafood. I'm wondering whether the seafood from Tamer river or Buss strait is safe enough to eat. I want to know the answer. I didn't feel to eat seafood after I have seen the performance about marine animals. Moreover, as I'm from Japan where consume Tasmanian forest, I want to know about forest which has been chopped. It is ethical issues.  However, I couldn't get clear idea of environmental issue, water pollution, and forest condition. I think that the newspapers in Tasmania might not give enough information what resident want to know. At lest, I couldn't know what I want to know from these newspaper.
ガンズ社が会議をしている建物の外にしかいられないので、私にはいったいどんな会議がおこなわれているのか知ることができない。だから、翌日の新聞を読むことにした。"The Examiner"と"The Mercury"だ。正直にいうとがっかりした。どちらの新聞もお金のことばかり書いている。この伐採会社の経済への影響についてが説明されている。もちろん私たちの日々の生活を支える為には経済について考えることはとても重要だと思うけど、でもお金のことだけを気にかけていればいいだなんて思わない。ガンズ社の経済的な影響力は、住民の日々の生活に直接ひびくかもしれないから、読者である住民は気をもんでいるのだろうと思う。同時に、汚染や環境問題についても知りたいはずだと思う。それらは健康に影響するかもしれないからだ。例えば、魚介類を食べるのが好きな私。さて、タマーリバーやバス海峡で採れた魚は安心して食べられるのだろうか。気になるところである。特に海洋生物のパフォーマンスを見たあとでは、魚介類を食べる気になれない。それから、タスマニアの森を消費している国、日本出身の私としては、伐採され続けているタスマニアの森のことを知りたい。これは、倫理的な問題である。だけど、環境問題についても、水の汚染についても、それから森の状態についても私は知ることができなかった。タスマニアの新聞は住民が知りたいことについて充分な情報を示していないのではないか。少なくとも私の知りたいことはのっていなかった。

 I felt that the Tasmanian local newspapers might not have equal fare eyes. The newspapers seems supporting Gunns and new CEO Greg L'Estran.  The Examiner give me feeling that the editors criticize the environmental groups.
The Examiner; local newspaper in Launceston,  says that Gunns' financial difficulty is major issues raised at meeting.  According to the paper, Mr L'Estrange said it is difficult to pull out of native forest without government's compensation.  Gunns has already announced they will stop native forest business last month. Due to stop logging the native forest, the Gunns chose to reduce their business. '150 woodchip jobs to go', this is the head line of the newspaper on day before meeting. Barry Prismall, the editor of The Examiner wrote "Greens must reveal stance on pulp mill". The editor point out that greens need to consider their stance because of Tasmanian funding dependancy on Australian government-
 Tasmania use much more money;tax than other state-. I understand that Tasmania may have financial problems, but ....Where has environmental concern gone?   Do environmental issue have totally replaced by the financial issues? I think financial reason can not be answer of environmental question although the money issue is very important. Newspaper put their embassies on financial issues but not on environmental issues. I felt there are huge gap between environmental issues discussed by green people or regidents, and financial problems discussed on the newspaper.
タスマニアの地方新聞は、もしかしたら公平な目を持っていないのかもしれない。新聞はガンズ社とそのトップグレッグ氏を指示しているように感じられる。The Examinerの編集者は環境保護団体に対して批判的な見方をしているようだ。
ロンセストンの地方紙であるThe Examinerは、ガンズ社の定時総会で主に議論された話題は、ガンズ社の経営困難についてだと報じている。グレッグ氏は政府の援助なしに天然林の伐採から手を引くことは難しいと言ったらしい。ガンズ社は天然林の伐採をやめると、先月(10月)すでに発表している。この天然林伐採の停止に伴い、ガンズ社は事業の縮小を決めた。「150のウッドチョプの職がなくなる!」これが総会前日の新聞の一面記事だった。The Examinerの編集者、バリー・プリスモールは、「グリーンズはパルプミルに対する姿勢を明きらかにすべきだ」と言っている。その編集者は、タスマニアの経済のオーストラリア政府への依存(タスマニアは他の州よりおおくの税金を使っている)を理由に、グリーンズに対してよく考えるように、と言っている。タスマニア州が経済的な問題を抱えているらしいことは理解できるけど、でも環境問題のことはどこへいったんだろう?環境問題は経済問題に完全にすり替わってしまったの?州の収入は大事な問題だと思うけれど、経済の説明は環境問題への回答にはなり得ないとおもう。地元の新聞は経済問題についての議論に力をいれているが、環境問題についてはあまり言及していない。新聞で説明されている州の財源に関する問題と、実際に地元住人や環境保護団体が話題にしている環境問題の間には大きなギャッップがあるような気がする。

1st December, 2010
I visited that public meeting held by friends of the Tamer Valley at Tailrace convention center, because I want to know other issues expect money. The speakers are Pulp and Paper Mill industry expert Dr.Warwick Raverty (Former RPDC panellict and authority), Alderman Jeremy from Launceston city counsil, Underwater photographer Jon Bryan, and Vanessa Bleyer as a local resident and conservation lawyer. It was very interesting to hear the issue from  different point of views.
金銭以外の問題についてもう少し知りたいと思ったためテイルラン コンベンションセンターにて開催された「フレンド オブ タマバリー(タマバリー友の会とでも言えばいいか)」の公開ミーティングに出席してみた。講演者の方はパルプ、紙産業の専門家
であるDr.Warwick Ravertyさん、ロンセストン市役所からAlderman Jeremyさん、海中写真家のJon Bryanさんに、地元住民である弁護士のVanessa Bleyerさん。違う視点からみた問題についてを聞くのは、とてもおもしろい。

....... I would like to continue but I should stop. I guess this my writing is already too long to read. Thus, I will write about this topic again next chance..

(from my note written on 5th December 2010/2010年12月5日のメモより)


Working at the office in Tasmania / タスマニアのオフィスで働く

1st February

I got up around 6am this morning. Taking shower, checking emails and leaving temporally house in Hobart, Tasmania. Chilly wind came from Sanday bay beach. Gray heavy cloud above me. 10 minute ride on the bus took me to CBD of Hobart.
This is my second day of working at the office of the state architect office.


This work would be very precious experience to me, although I will work for only two weeks. Working with professional in the oversea! My research could be a part of the state architect's project! How exciting it is! In addition, I'm going to know about new city, Hobart. Doing architectural research may bring me a sense of this city much deeper than just traveling. I'm excited.
On the other hand, I'm worry about working with new faces. I may not be able to fully understand what new people talk to me. Since I left Japan, I feel that every one who I have met speak different type of English. Different accent, speed and intonation made me confuse. I know I need time to get familiar with each person's English.

I think I'm little bit nervous. My heart has been beating faster than usual. I arrived in front of the office at Macqarie street nearly one hour before our work suppose to be start. Luckily, I found a coffee shop across the office building. Dark brown timber table and chair. Smell of coffee in the quiet coffee shop. Silky milk form. A cup of cappuccino always let me relax. I'm now feeling better. So I'm now writing this journal.

2nd February

I'm sitting at the same coffee shop as yesterday. Having a cup of coffee and watching busy street. Sunny warm morning.


Beautiful heritage buildings can be seen on the Macqarie street. The books I read yesterday says that "Macquarie street was built on the alignment of one of the earliest tracks of Hobart town." In 1970's, the width of the Macquarie street was key factor in their being upgraded into an architectural route to service the growing volumes of traffic. During the 19th and 20th centuries, civic function was developed at Macquarie street. Government office, facilities, buildings and public squares are on the street. When I'm enjoying coffee, many people wearing suits walked on the street very fast. I can see traffic jam on the road. I guess people are hurry to go to their office to work. Some of them came into this coffee shop and grab coffee. Very busy morning scenery.

4th February
Day 5

I now feel quite comfortable to be at the office.
A warm sociable atmosphere. Interaction between people who are working at same office.
The lady working at the office is very helpful and friendly. There are three girls from university of Tasmania same school as me. They are friendly and hard worker. Our supervisor seems really busy but we have enough chance to talk with her. The state architect is also friendly. Although he is too busy to have a time with us, he often say "Good morning!" with lovely smile and ask us "How is your project going?"The atmosphere of this office is "Welcome!"Even though work itself is stressed, I'm happy to do work at this office.
To be honest, I prefer working at this office than doing project at the university.I guess the reason is the number of the people. 70 master students and listening one/two lecturers doing project at university.
I also didn't have any project with senior or junior. There were less interaction and communication with other, during semester at university of Tasmania. Compare to the working environment at university, the environment of this small office is more lively. I'm pretty sure I'll miss this office and Hobart when I go back to Launceston.




一月に読んだ本リスト/The list of the books which I have read in January


太陽の塔 (新潮文庫)太陽の塔 (新潮文庫)
読了日:01月29日 著者:森見 登美彦
読了日:01月27日 著者:隈 研吾
読了日:01月27日 著者:隈 研吾,三浦 展
小僧の神様・城の崎にて (新潮文庫)小僧の神様・城の崎にて (新潮文庫)
読了日:01月23日 著者:志賀 直哉
交易 交代寄合伊那衆異聞 (講談社文庫)交易 交代寄合伊那衆異聞 (講談社文庫)
読了日:01月22日 著者:佐伯 泰英
目覚めよと彼の呼ぶ声がする (文春文庫)目覚めよと彼の呼ぶ声がする (文春文庫)
読了日:01月22日 著者:石田 衣良
読了日:01月16日 著者:山本 兼一
孤高の人 (下巻) (新潮文庫)孤高の人 (下巻) (新潮文庫)
読了日:01月14日 著者:新田 次郎
孤高の人 (上巻) (新潮文庫)孤高の人 (上巻) (新潮文庫)
読了日:01月14日 著者:新田 次郎
読了日:01月11日 著者:上野 千鶴子
永遠のとなり (文春文庫)永遠のとなり (文春文庫)
読了日:01月09日 著者:白石 一文
読了日:01月09日 著者:三浦 しをん
読了日:01月09日 著者:茂木 健一郎
読了日:01月09日 著者:松原 泰道
喜嶋先生の静かな世界 (100周年書き下ろし)喜嶋先生の静かな世界 (100周年書き下ろし)
読了日:01月09日 著者:森 博嗣
夜の戦士 (下) (角川文庫)夜の戦士 (下) (角川文庫)
読了日:01月09日 著者:池波 正太郎
読了日:01月08日 著者:太田 光
現代語訳 風姿花伝現代語訳 風姿花伝
読了日:01月07日 著者:世阿弥
夜の戦士 (上) (角川文庫)夜の戦士 (上) (角川文庫)
読了日:01月07日 著者:池波 正太郎
オンリー・ミー―私だけを (幻冬舎文庫)オンリー・ミー―私だけを (幻冬舎文庫)
読了日:01月04日 著者:三谷 幸喜
身体論 東洋的心身論と現代 (講談社学術文庫)身体論 東洋的心身論と現代 (講談社学術文庫)
読了日:01月04日 著者:湯浅 泰雄
読了日:01月04日 著者:大前 研一,柳井 正
青年 (新潮文庫)青年 (新潮文庫)
読了日:01月04日 著者:森 鴎外
