Sketches by images and words; Japanese and English. Japanese girl who now lives in Tasmania note her life and thought. /絵と言葉によるスケッチ。タスマニアに住む日本人が、日本語と英語、それからイラストでかきとめます。
Under Sea Garden+off-shore wind energy generation firm/Phuket
This is my design proposal.
Design Exegesis
This proposition is to develop an energy generation firm and tourist attraction at Phuket, which will have many flow on benefits, from an economic point of view, it may be necessary to advance tourism industry, as it plays a major role in the countries economy.
“Under sea garden” in this building is expected to attract more and more people, as Phuket has a great water view and lot of diving spots. The building is designed to provide many beautiful areas, which allows the occupants to relax.
Since 1980’ the tourist industry has grown dramatically, and at the same time tourists have disturbed local people’s traditional life. For social sustainability, it is necessity to consider and respect local life.
This plan suggests separating “Tourism area” from “local residential area”.
This building invites people off shore. Transporting tourists to the beauty point on an ocean liner, bypassing the sea gypsy village and preserving their way of life
For human comfort, the building has to solve some climate problems.
Tropical Climate is sometimes too hot and humid for someone coming from other areas. Cooling and dehumidification is required and at the same time, the environment needs to be considered and there must be an energy reduction in consumption.
As the amount of people increase so does the demand for energy. There is a need to sustainably supply energy. This plan proposes an “off-shore wind energy generation firm” due to it is clean energy and the strong wind in Phuket. Solar radiation can also be used to generate energy.
This building is influenced by three main flows with different characteristics; air flow, water flow and occupant movement.
(to be continue...)
タイランドのプーケットに新しい観光名所、”Under Sea Garden/ 海底庭園”、兼 発電施設の提案です。このプロジェクトによって様々な良い効果がもたらされることが期待されます。
観光業がタイランドの主要産業のひとつととなっています。観光業の発展が経済的な面でこの国を豊かにするのではないでしょうか。美しい海底環境を持つプーケットにうまれる”Under Sea Garden/ 海底庭園” が、新しい観光名所として、人々を惹きつけることを期待します。色とりどりの熱帯魚や珊瑚と、南国の植物の織り成す風景の中で、訪れた人々はリラックスした時間を過ごすことができます。
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