At back yard of Sarah's house. 8pm of Tasmanian summer is still bright enough to enjoy outdoor. Sitting on the grass, drinking beer, and looking at the three dogs. Sarah's dogs have just arrived at Launceston today. After the voyage from Melbourne, two dogs fawned upon Sarah. Clare's dog was busy to explored garden. (I'm sorry that I don't remember the dogs' names. )Beautiful and peaceful time. Only one problem was that I was being bitten by mosquitoes. My list, arms and legs felt itchy. We moved into the house to avoid mosquitoes. The bottle of red wine was opened.
Sarah told us that her dogs have already registered at Launceston city counsel. I didn't get the meaning. Why were dogs registered? She explained that it is rule in Australia. It is required to resist pet dogs and masters names. The microchip was implanted into dog's body. In the case dog run away and city counsel captured them. When dog is scanned, we will be able to know the dogs' name and master's name. I said that 'Isn't it scary? I mean, having microchip in body.' Doug answered that 'it is not scary. The microchip is really small.' 'but...' I wasn't convinced. I said that dogs might felt pain. Doug said 'no. no.' How can we know it doesn't cause pain? I fixed the dog's shoulder.
Doug said 'I am "microchiped". '
I didn't understand what did he say.
He said slowly and clearly ' I AM MICRO CHIPED.'
'What did you say? Did you say that you are microchiped??'
I didn't understand what does it mean. I was confused.
He tucked up his yellow t-shirt and show me his stomach.
He pointed next to his bellybutton and said 'the microchip is here.'
He said he had a shot of microchep into his stomach. I was in great confusion.
Did I make misunderstanding? Did I catch wrong information?
'So.. you mean you have a microchip in your stomach, do you?'I knit my eyebrow.
Doug laughed heartily.
He said 'Yes. I have a microchip in my stomach. I haven't registered yet though.'
I blinked my eyes.
I mumbled ' it Australian joke?'
Sarah explained that 'it is true. He have microchip in his stomach, but normally people don't do that.'
So I started to believe that he has "microchiped" but I didn't understand.
'WHY?' I asked.
'For fun!' He answered.
He put microchip into yourself just for fun! Isn't it little bit crazy?
He said "I want to register myself as a tasmania devil someday."
hmmm... he might be born to be comedian.
He was convulsed with laughter.
......................................well..... any way, I have never met someone who have been "microchiped".
Sarah said she could prepare some foods if anyone felt hungry. I've noticed I was hungry. Sarah grilled vege-pate and toasted some pieces of bread. She spread the butter thinly and then spread a spoonful of tomato catni on the toast. She cooked vege-burger. It looked so yummy.
All of us; Clare, Sarah, Doug, James and me ate fresh vege-burger. When I was tasting the yummy vege-burger, Doug and Clare talked that this burger was made from dumpster diving.'dum....What did you say? ' I asked with my mouth full. Clare and Doug said 'DUMPSTER DIVING' in chorus. I asked the spell of the dumpster diving and noted it on my sketch book. d-u-m-p-s-t-e-r, d-i-v-i-n-g.... I have never heard this words so I didn't know the meaning of dumpster diving. Clare explained gently, 'dumpster is American world. Dumpster is actually one of the brand name of big rubbish bin. In Australian world, it could be... skip.' 'Yes, we call it skip in Australia.' Sarah agreed with Clare. Clare continued her explanation. 'Do you know that big supermarket produce huge waste? They throw away a lot of foods although foods are nothing wrong.' I said 'Why? It doesn't make sense. It must be loss for supermarket business. Why does big supermarket through food?' I couldn't comprehend dumpster diving; the big supermarket behavior. Clare explained to me politely that 'I don't know neither, but it have been happened in many countries, Australia, America, and... I guess... Japan too. ' I was confused again and my knitted my eyebrows again while I was eating vege-burger.
Doug opened his mouse and said 'anyway, this burger is made from dumpster diving. In other words, these ingredients are come from rubbish bin.'
I froze.
He said the burger made by rubbish, didn't he?
So ....... I may ate rubbish!? Did I!?
I looked at the burger held by my hand.
Cold shivers ran up and down my spine.
Doug laughed.
'The foods don't have any problems. The dumpster is not actually rubbish bin. There are only food in the huge box. Foods are not too old. Don't worry.' Clare explained in a hurry.
Sarah showed me a loaf of bread which come from dumpster.
There were 3 more loaf of bread in the freezer.
The loaf looked ok. The smell was also ok.
'These ingredients suppose to become rubbish, but it became vege-burger.' Daugh said.
I scrawled the image of big rubbish bin on my sketchbook. James took away my sketch book and pen. He drew the box have two lids and the wire person. Doug interrupted James' drawing and took pen from James. Doug drew flat box looks like boat.
I guess Using dumpster diving is a kind of efficient waste managing. Anyway this vege-burger is yummy.
クレア、サラ、ダグ、ジェームスに私、みんなでできたてのベジバーガーを食べた。おいしいベジバーガーを味わっているとき、ダグとクレアがこのバーガーはダンプスターダイビングでできているのだと話しだした。「ダム…何て言ったの?」私はバーガーをほうばりながら聞いた。「ダンプスター ダイビング」ダグとクレアは口を揃えて言った。わたしはその単語の綴りを聞いて、スケッチブックにメモした。d-u-m-p-s-t-e-r, d-i-v-i-n-g。ダンプスターダイビングだなんて今まで聞いたこともない、もちろん意味も分からない。クレアが丁寧にゆっくりと説明をはじめた。「ダンプスターっていうのは、アメリカの言葉ね。そもそも、アメリカのおおきなゴミ箱のブランド名だったはず。オーストラリアの言葉だと…スキップ(skip)がそれにあたるかな。」「そうスキップ。オーストラリアではスキップっていうの。」サラが間の手をいれる。クレアは続けた「大手のスーパーマーケットが莫大な量のゴミを出しているってしってる?何の問題もない食材をどんどん捨てるの。」「どうして?そんなのおかしいよ。そんなのビジネス上でもロスでしょう?どうして食べ物を捨てるの?」私にはダンプスターダイビングという大手スーパーマーケットの行動が理解できない。「私にもよく分からないのよ。でも確かにおこっているの、オーストラリアでも、アメリカでも。それからたぶん…日本でも」上品でおっとりとしたクレアは辛抱強く丁寧に説明をつづけてくれる。私はまだよく分からない。ベジバーガーを食べながら、また自然と眉間にしわがより、考え込んでしまった。
There are many things that I have never known, in the world.
I had never ate dump-star-vege-burger before I had dinner at this friend's house.
I had never met people have been micro-chipped before I met Doug.
The world might be more interesting than I thought.
I gnashed dumpster-diving-vege-burger.
note of the day / その日のメモ