Review of the interview from news paper. /新聞社からのインタビュー

I was on 'The Examiner'  Tasmanian local news paper on 17th December. First, I will write the article with Japanese translation. Then, I think I should review about the interview from the news paper.

Please have a look the article. The image is from online 'The Examiner'.


'Sketches of Tasmanian life born of quiet cafe moments'

'MASAKO Morita has a heart for Tasmania.
The Japanese architecture student moved to Trevallyn three years ago to undertake a masters degree at the University of Tasmania. But she found sometimes she needed somewhere to escape, somewhere where she didn't have to think about the pressures of university. That place was Trevallyn's Cafe Culture and Launceston's Stillwater Cafe. And as she sat and drank her coffee, Morita would take hold of her pencil, get out her sketchbook and draw what she saw.
``Tasmanian life is very interesting,'' she said.
``A lot of things happen here and I just find it really interesting to see how people relax and how they spend their time.
``With my uni studies I needed to do this to let me relax and create memories.''
Morita has spent the past three years sketching the surroundings of Stillwater and other places in Tasmania, which she has collaborated into a book called Tasmako: Moments of Tasmania with Mako's Eyes. The book and a selection of Morita's sketches are available to view and buy at the Stillwater Restaurant until December 20.
Morita will today graduate alongside 1276 other University of Tasmania students and 300 Australian Maritime College students at the Albert Hall. The Launceston Town and Gown procession will begin at 10.30am at Civic Square. Graduation ceremonies will be held at 11am, 2.30pm and 5.30pm.'

「MASAKO Moritaはタスマニアへのハートをもっています。
Moritaは過去三年間をスティル・ウォーターのまわりや、その他のタスマニアのいろんな場所でスケッチをして過ごしました。それらのスケッチは『Tasmako: Moments of Tasmania with Mako's Eyes.』という本にまとめられています。彼女の本と、選ばれたいくつかのスケッチはスティル・ウォーター レストランで12月20日まで見ることができます。

It was my pleasure to be introduced on news paper as I has just started my career following my graduation from University of Tasmania. However, the information about the exhibition on this article is not sufficient. I need to add other information which this article has missing. 

First of all,  a selection of Morita's sketches are available to view at not only the Stillwater Restaurant, but also Cafe Culture in Trevallyn, Sushi-Bonza in the canterway arcade and School of Architecture and Design, University of Tasmania Inveresk campus. Drawings for sale but book is not for sale. 
まず、私のスケッチはスティル・ウォーター レストランだけで見られるのではなく、トレバリンのカフェカルチャー、センターウェイアーケードの寿司ボンザ、タスマニア大学のインバレスクキャンパス、建築デザインの校舎にも展示してあります。そして、展示会場で絵は売っていますが、本は売っていません。

When I went to Trevallyn grocery shop this morning, I heard someone working at cafe culture was not so happy about this article because it didn't tell the sketches are available to see at cafe culture. I feel so sorry for that. I guess sushi- Bonza's people also not so happy about this article as the article didn't mention about sushi- Bonza. I feel I'm sorry for Sushi-Bonza as well. I guess I couldn't explain well when I had interview from the news paper people, although I had already send email about the exhibition information include places; cafe culture, still water, sushi-Bonza and architecture school. It was same information what I wrote on this blog on 14th December. TASMAKO - Moments of Tasmania with Mako’s Eyes - < http://mako-seekingthetruth.blogspot.com/2011/12/tasmako-moments-of-tasmania-with-makos.html> I now think I should've gave physical copy of information to the news paper person as well as email and oral announcement. If I will have next chance to be interviewed by media, I'm going to prepare both digital and physical media release.

Anyway, it was great that the news paper introduced about me and my exhibition. I met several people who has seen the article. It is good. I have to say thank you to Chiaki Murata, my teacher at high school. He had gave me advise before I left Japan 3 years ago. Mr. Murata said I should make media release and tell to the media when I would do any art project, no matter how small/big the project is. 

I will be careful and prepare well for interview next time.


TASMAKO - Moments of Tasmania with Mako’s Eyes -

Moments of Tasmania with Mako’s Eyes

The series of small exhibition of drawings and paintings of Tasmania witch has been sketched by Mako(me!) last three years. Regarding to the graduation from UTAS this Saturday, I decide to have this exhibition to share my sketches of Tasmania with people in Tasmania. I now have a mountain of the sketches and you might find yourself in my sketchbook. Thought provoking Tasmanian life is very precious to me. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everything gave me special memories. Thank you Tasmania.

Date:       14th December, Wed– 20th December

Place:      Café Culture
                3 Osbourne Ave, Trevallyn TASMANIA
                next to Trevallyn grocer 

STILL water
Ritchie's Mill Launceston, Tasmania Australia 7250

Sushi Bonza
                In the Centerway arcade, Launceston TASMANIA

               School of Architecture and Design, UTAS

 Café Culture

 Princes Square

 View from STILL water

School of Architecture and Design, UTAS

Commentary from Joanna Eva Pinkiewicz.


Drawing is a way of recording for Mako. As a student in her final year of architecture at UTAS, she has been very used to recording and ‘thinking’ in pictures and symbols, it’s a part of her daily practice. Her journals are full of maps, illustrating thought processes, making patterns, connection, branching out, and exploring new possibilities. Both problems and solutions are represented in diagrams or symbols. The creative and logical meet.

Mako draws from her environment with acute awareness and delicacy.
She proceeds from a beautiful quietness and is capable of capturing a scene or movement with speed and whimsical accuracy. Her images feel warm, honest and familiar.

What are we privileged to see in her drawings, is our own reflection and a reflection of our own city or island. It’s a reflection tinted with Mako’s aesthetic approach and different cultural heritage, making us look somewhat more exotic.  The familiar feels fresh.

Mako’s drawings allow us to look at ourselves providing a chance for reflection on our environment or our life style and what it means to us.

Enjoy them as much as I did.

Joanna Eva Pinkiewicz


People of 'cafe culture'./カフェ・カルチャーの人々

"Why not!?"
The lady who own cafe culture said that we can do my exhibition at 'cafe culture'! I'm so happy!

from my journal on 28th November 2011.
She seems happy to let me use the wall for hanging my drawings/paintings. Great! I'll start to display my works on 9th December, Friday.
"I would like to do exhibition of my sketches. I had sketched a mountain of Launceston sceneries and here; cafe culture. I guess you know that. I often come here and draw scenery and people. So I think it would be really lovely if I can have exhibition at here! Showing drawings of cafe culture at cafe culture. That would be great. and I'm going to graduate this December and move out from Trevallyn. My family will come to Tasmania from Japan for my graduation ceremony. So I wish I'll be able to do my exhibition in December. " what I talked to her is my true feeling come from the bottom of my heart.

'cafe culture' is definitely one of my favourite coffee shop in Launceston. Actually, there are 2 top of my nice cafe lists 'great place to have a cup of coffee'. One is 'still water' and other is 'cafe culture'. These two place are always nice. good atmosphere,  people working at there were generous, and the customers who often come these cafe are also very nice. People around these cafe are happy and gentle. I've had sketched people at cafe as well as scenery. People means both of staffs and customers. I hope these lovely people will enjoy to see my drawings.

10th December.
I'm sitting and sketching with coffee at cafe culture as usual.
However, there is something special today!
The picture beside me is my sketches of cafe culture.
During I'm sitting the corner of this cafe, several people has came and talked to me.
"Hi. Are these your work? I love this!"
How good feeling is this! I'm such a happy lucky girl!

11th December.
I came to cafe culture again, but with my friend today.
The guy working at cafe culture said 'many people came and stopped in front of your art works.'
I'm very very happy.
So far, my life in Tasmania is not so bad.

Café Culture
            3 Osbourne Ave, Trevallyn TASMANIA
Next to Trevallyn grocer

Tassie Animals./タスマニアの動物たち

Wombat is my favorite animal in Tasmania.
How cute they are!

Other lovely one is fairy penguin. 
Tiny tiny blue penguin.

Emu is bit scary though....

Wallaby or Pademelon.
I'm still not sure the difference between wallaby and pademelon.
They are everywhere in Tasmania!

and, Tasmanian Devils.
These sister and brother are eating wallaby's leg.....