Wednesday morning, I was at PX cafe with my brother who had came to Tasmania few days ago to have his holiday. Our purpose is not only having a cup of coffee but also reading newspaper. Look! We were on newspaper! Guess what!? We were on the Southern cross TV news as well. How exciting it is! Especially for my brother. My brother was on the TV news and newspaper, although his holiday is pretty short; less than one week, and this is his first visit.
We didn't expected we would be on he TV news or neither news paper. It was surprising.
When we visited Hagley Farm Primary School on Tuesday, TV camera and reporter had already been there and ready to do interview. Again, I was so surprised.
My brother went to news agency and bought 15 news paper to give family and friends in Japan. He was so excited and me too. Seeing ourself on news, it could never happen again. It could be one of the most unforgettable experiment. Any way, I will put copy of the article and Japanese translation.
Kindness thrills Japanese children.
Hagley Farm Primary School prep and grade 1 pupils have seen first-hand how a small gesture can reach a long way.
After hearing of the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March, with their teacher Carolyn Guy the children wrote a short letter, made an envelops and coloured in pictures of koalas to send to their Japanese counterparts.
Those letters were delivered to one of the primary school in Onagawa in Miyagi by University of Tasmania student Masako Morita in July, and yesterday she returned to the school to show the children the joy they had brought to pupils in Japan.
“For months after the tsunami, still there are no buildings but the roads have been fixed,” Ms Morita said.
“I found it really hard to talk to the people but the good thing was that when I took the drawings to the primary school, the children just started talking and they were excited to be getting something from so far away and know that people were thinking of them.”
The trip was the first time the architecture student had returned to Japan since 2009, and although her home city of Toyohashi in Aichi was not directly affected by the natural disaster, she chose to deliver the letters to Onagawa because it had been a favorite family holiday destination.
As a member of the university’s Community Friends and Networks Program, Ms Morita was put in contact with the school by its co-ordinator Michelle Brownlea.
“We knew she was going home in the semester break and she was looking for things to take back, for well-wishes and this all just came together,” Ms Brownlea said.
Hagley Farm Primary Schoolハグレイファーム小学校のプレップとグレード1の(幼稚園年長と小学一年生の)こどもたちは、彼らのその小さなジェスチャーが遥か遠くに届いたことを初めて目にした。
三月に日本でおこった地震、津波による被害を耳にしたあと、こどもたちはCarolyn Guy キャロリン ガイ先生と一緒に、日本のこどもたちにむけて、短い手紙を書き、色を塗ったコアラの絵とともに封筒につつんだ。
大学のコミュニティーフレンドとネットワークプログラムのメンバーとして、モリタさんはMichelle Blownleaミシェル ブラウンリを通じて小学校とコンタクトをとった。
17th August, Wednesday, The EXAMINER
8月17日水曜日の ザ エクザミナー より