The dance of flame.

The hot days of summer has already passed in Tasmania.
The air is growing colder and leaves are turning into autumn.
I'm sitting near fireplace, warming my toes and fingers, and listening the chatty snappy fire.
During I was drawing couple of sketches,  the tall young guy walked out from bar counter and  added wood to the fire.
The fascinating dance of flame and the smell of bonfire, adding to my excitement.

Since I came down to Hobart on Sunday, I have been in peaceful quiet world.
I didn't bring my laptop and didn't touch any computers in this short easter trip.
No internet,  no facebook, no blog, no usetream, no news.
I guess it contribute to settle down my emotion.
Before this easter holiday, I had been busy on net surfing to search information about post disaster situation in Japan, especially nuclear power plant.
Japanese government, politicians, scientists, mass media, individual blogs, and friends have been uploading  news and I wanted to catch up.
I sometimes feel sad and depressed, sometimes got angry  and I was often disappointed.
It is not clear what information is truth.
I am wondering what should I do and where should we heading to.
There have been huge storm in my brain and heart from 11th March.
Because of this no internet trip, I now notice I was busy to searching information on the Internet.
I just bring my sketch book and one book; blossoms and shadow written by Lian Hearn.
I also notice that I didn't read much books these one month.

Walking in the autumn Hobart city with my sketch book and mapping the type of green -this is a part of my research- in the morning.
Cooking simple vege-soup pasta for my lunch at the kitchen at the backpacker.
Reading the book in the evening.
Watching  the dance of flame with a glass of beautiful scarlet colour drink -which the guy serviced to me, so I don't know the name.
Drawing whenever I want to do.

Traveling by my self is not so bad.

26th April 2011


三月に読んだ本リスト/The list of the books which I have read in March.


マネジメント - 基本と原則  [エッセンシャル版]マネジメント - 基本と原則 [エッセンシャル版]
読了日:03月27日 著者:P・F. ドラッカー,上田 惇生
きつねのはなし (新潮文庫)きつねのはなし (新潮文庫)
読了日:03月27日 著者:森見 登美彦
薄妃の恋―僕僕先生 (新潮文庫)薄妃の恋―僕僕先生 (新潮文庫)
読了日:03月25日 著者:仁木 英之
思考の整理学 (ちくま文庫)思考の整理学 (ちくま文庫)
読了日:03月23日 著者:外山 滋比古
在日 (集英社文庫 か 48-1)在日 (集英社文庫 か 48-1)
読了日:03月14日 著者:姜 尚中
流星―お市の方〈下〉 (文春文庫)流星―お市の方〈下〉 (文春文庫)
読了日:03月10日 著者:永井 路子
流星―お市の方〈上〉 (文春文庫)流星―お市の方〈上〉 (文春文庫)
読了日:03月05日 著者:永井 路子
読了日:03月03日 著者:万城目 学
Positive Development: From Vicious Circles to Virtuous Cycles Through Built Environment DesignPositive Development: From Vicious Circles to Virtuous Cycles Through Built Environment Design
著者:Janis Birkeland
著者:辛坊 治郎,辛坊 正記
地域社会圏モデル ――国家と個人のあいだを構想せよ (建築のちから)地域社会圏モデル ――国家と個人のあいだを構想せよ (建築のちから)
著者:五十嵐 太郎,大場秀章,石上純也,高山宏,土居義岳,平田晃久,藤森照信
Voluntary Architects' Network──建築をつくる。人をつくる。Voluntary Architects' Network──建築をつくる。人をつくる。
著者:坂 茂,慶應義塾大学坂茂研究室,北山恒,ブラッド・ピット
マネジメント - 基本と原則  [エッセンシャル版]マネジメント - 基本と原則 [エッセンシャル版]
著者:P・F. ドラッカー,上田 惇生
Think!: Before It's Too LateThink!: Before It's Too Late
著者:Edward de Bono


二月に読んだ本リスト/The list of the books which I have read in February.

一月に読んだ本リスト/The list of the books which I have read in January.


Japanese night / Fundraising

01 April · 16:00 - 20:30

Uni bar, UTAS, Launceston, Tasmania

Created by:

More info
Do you like SUSHI?
You will find yummy 'Teriyaki Chicken Sushi' &
'Vegetarian Sushi' at Friday night!
All of sushi are hand made with love :)

Are you interested in Japanese culture?
Why not join fun Japanese night?
Japanese traditional music & pop music are waiting you♪
Have you ever made ORIGAMI craft?
Let's make beautiful paper crafts together!
Do you know how to spell your name in Japanese?
We will help you to write/draw calligraphy style your Japanese name.
The Japanese style paintings will be there as a post cards.

All of profits will be send to earthquake victims in Japan:)

We will up load more information soon :)

Any question?
Please write down on this wall or contact with
Masako Matsumoto / Masako Morita