Otherness / Possible application into architecture.

First of all, I believe that design has ability both of to improve quality of life and to give negative effect. Therefore, I strongly think that designer should carefully examine their ideas. Gamez and Roges’s say that academy’s role is filtering ideas by theories that are tool for testing. I support their opinion that the field of architecture needs new academic theories that engaged with current society. Varnelis explains that recent projective architects’ post-critical thought has attack critically and theory. I am worry about this situation.

It is the main idea discussed in the sex of the architecture and key concept of feminism. I would like to try to propose some architectural suggestion for the concept of the “others”. I think that the issue is unfairness social systems with hierarchy that is produced by the concept of other. Diversity of groups especially the categorizing into two groups; “Us / Self” and “Them / Others”, has risks to create unfairness. How can design contribute to solve this problem? I have 5 different suggestions.

Change space hierarchy sometimes by space design.
On the supposition that people want to have a concept of “Self and Others” and want to feel superiority, my suggestion is keeping structure of hierarchy but change the order of power frequency. I believe space design has ability to change people or object’s value.

Make everything different.
Make every single object have different form and different size.   I think when everything is different, then we can not cartelizing spaces into dichotomies groups. We can just only align every single element equally. The hierarchy might disappear. 

Make Ambiguous boundary by gradation.
How about to make unclear boundary between each two factors? If I list up “Self/other“ as much as possible and remove every clear boundary, Can I create spaces without any hierarchy?

Tread two different things equal.
For example, old existing buildings and new buildings, artificial elements and natural elements.

Integrate two different groups