Architecture is responsible for environmental issues that the Earth now faces.

Due to the current environmental issues that the Earth now faces, the field of Architecture must adopt new technologies that allow less energy consumption.

Over recent years, the environmental problem of climate change is a major global concern, and one that should be carefully reflected upon. It can be asserted that many human activities have contributed to climate change, particularly last 100 years (ed. Jones 2000). This is largely due to the changes social needs and way of life that have allowed the development of bigger cities with larger structures such as skyscrapers. Through the use much energy, architecture has contributed immensely to the environmental problems the Earth now faces (Mendler & Odell 2000). The excessive energy consumption is the cause of CO2 production, which is widely accepted as a fundamental cause of climate change. However, the new technologies and designs are studying and developing in the field of architecture to solve these problems.

This essay will demonstrate how architectural technologies have the ability to reduce the negative impact of architecture on the environment. First, it will illustrate the relationship between architecture and environmental problems. The essay will show how a lot of energy is consumed in architecture. Following, this essay will be exploring the technologies available in architecture and how they positively interact with environment. In exploring these technologies, it is possible to understand how new architecture practices can address the need for environmental sustainability. Finally, the essay will describe the importance of adapting new technology and sharing technology due to the increase in population in developing countries. Architecture is responsible for a considerable amount of carbon emissions, thus new technologies and design practices that allow less energy consumption must be adopt.

The energy consumption of modern architectural structures has had a vast impact on climate change. Both the construction process and the operation of buildings significantly contribute to the harmful emissions produced by society. An example is the amount of energy used in the field of architecture in the United States of America. Approximately 50% of the energy consumed by the American nation was either through the construction of buildings or their operation (Williams 2007). As America is one of the primary emitters of CO2, the contribution that is made by the architectural industry in this country is considered large on a global scale. Furthermore, other developed countries that also emit vast quantities of CO2, such as Germany and Japan, also contribute to the environmental problem in the architecture field. Approximately 30% of Germanys CO2 emissions (Richarz, Schuls & Zeitler 2007) and 36% of Japans are a result of the architecture industry (ed. Jones 2000). One of the main sources of energy consumption is in the operation of buildings (ed. Jones 2000). The main running costs are in the use of air conditioning and lighting. In Japan, the running of air conditioning systems account for approximately 47% of the buildings energy consumption; cooling, heating and ventilation (ed. Jones 2000).

The field of architecture has developed a variety of technologies that can be used to save energy for the building and operation of structures, and it help to reduce CO2 emissions. Two different approaches are available, the active approach and passive approach. The active concept emphasizes the design of mechanical systems (ed. Jones 2000). For example, computerized lighting control, solar system, and evaporative cooling are theoretical efficient (Gevorkian 2009). On the other hand, the passive approach is using design techniques to use natural energy more efficiently (ed. Jones 2000). It is helping to influence the scope for daylight utilisation or natural ventilation (Richarz, Schuls & Zeitler 2007). It is important to integrate passive design with active approach to achieve the most efficient way (ed. Jones 2000). Using passive and active technologies can reduce energy consumption for heating, cooling, ventilation and lightning.

Architecture has made a number of technological advances in some areas such as design and materials to produce efficient lightning. The controlled distribution of daylight is a key factor toward better energy performance (Kwok, KG & Grondzik 2007). The direct sunlight brings over much heat and light, but new design practice and material derive the light from natural sunlight and is used instead of interior illumination (Kwok, KG & Grondzik 2007). For instance, the CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre in India is good example of the passive approach. This building uses a circular courtyard design, which enhances air and light circulation for the business centre (Nigam-Misra 2008). This basic circular design allows sunlight to reach every corner of the building, helping save up to 90 per cent of the use of artificial lighting during the day (Nigam-Misra 2008). Another example is using new material from Kengo Kuma, a Japanese architect. He selected not concrete but plastic called Fiber- reinforced plastic (FRP) to play the main role in the building constructed 2002 in Tokyo (ed.Ishido & Komaki 2006). The translucency of FRP allows to draw light from natural sunlight and to disperse it as pleasant lighting into room.

Current air conditioning or heating system also requires large amounts of electricity as well as lighting, but it is possible to reduce significantly by new technologies (Gevorkian 2009). Through the passive approach, the new buildings design is aimed to cut heat losses in winter and over heating in summer (Richarz, Schuls & Zeitler 2007). For instance, exterior shading devices are very important in summer time to cut an excess amount of solar energy, thus it avoids too much heating and reduce the use of air conditioning (ed. Jones 2000). Another architectural practice, passive heating strategy, is an idea to move solar energy collected in daytime to night time by designing the building space using appropriate materials that have low thermal conductivity and high thermal energy storage capacity (ed. Jones 2000). Gevorkian (2009) stated that `the ideal building should be designed not require an air conditioning unit.’ However, it may be difficult to keep appropriate temperature in large buildings without any air conditioning or heating machines, in that situation there is another approach; to put new mechanical systems such as ‘solar water heating panel’ (Gevorkian 2009). It is one of simplest principals composed by maginifying glasses and fluid-filled pipes (Gevorkian 2009). The maginifying glasses concentrate solar lays and then it provide heat energy (Gevorkian 2009). This method is being used to provide an advance of energy due to recent technological development (Gevorkian 2009).

Although there are a number of available technologies and practices, they are not being adopted especially in developing countries. However, It is necessary to adopt available low carbon technologies both by developed as well as developing countries (Flamous & Bedd 2010). The total population on the Earth has been increasing dramatically. As a result more and more buildings, roads and public works take the earth’s surface (ed. Pollingtor 2003). Framous (2010) mentioned that greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries will overtake developed countries within next few years. Consequently, it is important to adopt new technologies especially in the developing cities (ed. Pollington 2003). It can be asserted that one reason behind new technologies are not being adopting in developing countries is the governments and societies pay much more attention for development rather than environmental sustainable. According to Flamous (2010), the earth has been destroying by not lack of technology, but due to lack of application. The efficient technologies need to be transfer to developing countries (Flamous 2010). It is also important to understand the current situations and factors affecting and changing the environment; the natural environment has been damaged by manmade environment (ed. Pollington 2003). Because of the field of architecture has a major responsibility for urban development (ed. Pollington 2003) , it is important to exchange information such as study of current environmental issues and new design practice between architects in the international field.

In conclusion, due to the big impact that architecture has on the environment there is a need to move toward more sustainable architecture. Some of the problems that exist in the environment due to architecture include climate change. Currently there are a number of technologies that are being researched and developed to help combat the environmental impacts. The technological advances in material, mechanical systems and design practice lead low energy consumption in field of architecture. Despite these recent developments many of these technologies have not been adopted especially in developing countries. As the global population continues to increase as well as the negative impact on the environment it is important to share and use efficient technologies globally. Architecture is responsible for environmental problems, thus the field of Architecture must adopt new technologies and design practices that allow less energy consumption.

Flamous, A & Bedd, K 2010, ‘Technology transfer insights for new climate regime’, Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol.12, Iss.1 ,pp.19.

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Ishido,T & Komaki,S (ed.) 2006, Contemporary Japanese Houses 1985-2005, Toto Shuppan, Japan.

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Kwok, KG & Grondzik, WT 2007, The Green Studio Hand Book Environmental Strategies for Schematic Design, Architectural Press,Oxford.

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